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Tag: Quantum Healing Hypnosis

Working with the Higher Self

Working with the Higher Self

In Quantum Healing Hypnosis, we work not only with past lives, but with the “higher self” or what Dolores Cannon calls “The Subconscious.”  As a long time hypnotherapist it doesn’t work for me to call this the subconscious, because I know the subconscious as the place where the shadow lives; the realm of the unknown; the property of all our involuntary body functions, our worst fears, our inner child, our core wounds, and beliefs. The Higher Self is that part…

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Speak Out!  Sing Out!  Emerging from Repression!

Speak Out!  Sing Out!  Emerging from Repression!

I feel there is something I want to say; that I need to say.  There is something burning within me; a sense of purpose; a mission. I’ve been speaking out!  I’ve been singing out!  But I am being asked to be even more authentic.  To voice a deeper truth. In one of my Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions, I had a past life that I came into being hung.  Suddenly I felt this thickness and heaviness in my throat.  I said,…

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Time to Wake Up and Align with Our Purpose

Time to Wake Up and Align with Our Purpose

I just finished facilitating another amazing Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session, which is always a great reminder that we are so much more than we believe.  As we traverse through other lifetimes we see the continuous lessons that seem to carry over from a past we are completely unaware of having.  I contact the “higher self” to answer the client’s questions and like most sessions, the higher self is a bit frustrated at its inability to break through.  Our stubborn Ego…

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The New Earth

The New Earth

In the year 2000, while I was on a daily walk in the forest, I had a vision.  In my vision I was looking at earth from outer space and I saw it begin to divide, just as a cell would divide.  The earth began to split into two and move away from each other. When I asked the spirit of my “being,” what this was about, I was told that I was witnessing the splitting of the worlds which…

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