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Category: The New Earth

The New Earth is a creation of fifth dimensional consciousness. It is a new reality based on qualities of kindness, compassion, love, forgiveness and “do no harm.” The power to create this realty lies within our collective consciousness.

The Splitting of the Timelines

The Splitting of the Timelines

We are in the time of the Great Awakening!  However, not everyone on the planet is destined to awaken.  There has been an ever-increasing split between those who are awakening, and those who are resistant to change.  I have referred to the two paths as the path of 3D reality and the path of 5D reality. The timelines are splitting between the two realities. 5D reality is the path to the New Earth, which is an awakened, conscious state out…

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Transitioning to 5D not 5G

Transitioning to 5D not 5G

We are observing the 3D planet earth at this time. It is in chaos. It has been in chaos for a long time; only now that chaos has reached a precipice. It is the chaos before the birth. It is the chaos that ushers in the death of the old and the rebirth of the new. There are two timelines that are predominant right now. There is the timeline that takes one away from his soul and further disconnects him…

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Death, Metamorphosis and Rebirth

Death, Metamorphosis and Rebirth

This is a video of a talk I gave at a Spiritual Center about the death and rebirth process. I tell my own transformative story and the story of where we are going as the New Human!        

QHHT Session Discussion about The New Earth

QHHT Session Discussion about The New Earth

Now and then I find a very interesting Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session where the person who is in hypnosis gives powerful information and insight into what is happening now and what is coming. If you would like to skip ahead, you can go to 24:56 where she talks about the New Earth.  The whole session is quite interesting however. Although I am not the hypnotherapist in this session, I have had some really interesting sessions as well.  This work brings…

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