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Category: The New Earth

The New Earth is a creation of fifth dimensional consciousness. It is a new reality based on qualities of kindness, compassion, love, forgiveness and “do no harm.” The power to create this realty lies within our collective consciousness.

The New Earth

The New Earth

In the year 2000, while I was on a daily walk in the forest, I had a vision.  In my vision I was looking at earth from outer space and I saw it begin to divide, just as a cell would divide.  The earth began to split into two and move away from each other. When I asked the spirit of my “being,” what this was about, I was told that I was witnessing the splitting of the worlds which…

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Beginning a New Journey

Beginning a New Journey

Like so many people, I have felt an urging to step more fully into my mission. Although I have been working as a spiritual counselor and Clinical Hypnotherapist for ages, my focus has been directed to helping people recover from Narcissistic Abuse, rather than Spiritual Awakening. Recovering from abuse is spiritual awakening in many ways. But my “Higher Self” has been prompting me to change course for quite some time. The focus on “Narcissism” is no longer my path. I’ve…

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