Cherokee Grandmother’s Message to Humanity
A beautiful video
Quantum Healing Hypnosis is a Past Life Regression Technique founded by the late Dolores Cannon.
A beautiful video
Now and then I find a very interesting Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session where the person who is in hypnosis gives powerful information and insight into what is happening now and what is coming. If you would like to skip ahead, you can go to 24:56 where she talks about the New Earth. The whole session is quite interesting however. Although I am not the hypnotherapist in this session, I have had some really interesting sessions as well. This work brings…
Quantum Healing Hypnosis moves far beyond past lives. With our spiritual expansion and Ascension, we are moving into an awareness of parallel realities, future lives and quantum jumping. When a fellow Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner did a session for me, I had the experience of jumping into a parallel life, one as a Hybrid Child. I was surprised to find myself visiting, what appeared to be my own Hybrid Child, who was living in another dimension of reality. Although I…
In Quantum Healing Hypnosis, we work not only with past lives, but with the “higher self” or what Dolores Cannon calls “The Subconscious.” As a long time hypnotherapist it doesn’t work for me to call this the subconscious, because I know the subconscious as the place where the shadow lives; the realm of the unknown; the property of all our involuntary body functions, our worst fears, our inner child, our core wounds, and beliefs. The Higher Self is that part…
I feel there is something I want to say; that I need to say. There is something burning within me; a sense of purpose; a mission. I’ve been speaking out! I’ve been singing out! But I am being asked to be even more authentic. To voice a deeper truth. In one of my Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions, I had a past life that I came into being hung. Suddenly I felt this thickness and heaviness in my throat. I said,…