The New Earth Diet (How It Will Transform You)
The New Earth Diet is a diet that prepares you to live in the fifth dimensional New Earth reality. It is not a diet for weight loss, although weight loss is a side effect. It is not a diet for healing, although healing is also a positive side effect. It is not an anti-aging diet, although anti-aging is a result. The primary purpose of the New Earth Diet is to prepare you for ascension into a less dense, light based body, which you will inhabit on the New Earth.
Although we don’t know exactly how the ascension will look going forward, we do know that we are already in the process and the more we can do to assist the process the better.
The New Earth is a peaceful planet. There is no killing, death or war. There are no predatory animals. The only animals you will find on the New Earth are plant based eaters. This includes the humans. We are not your typical humans but what Alberto Villoldo refers to as homo luminous, and some refer to as homo chrysalis. We are still human in form, but our form is comprised of more light which allows us to live on a lighter planet and have much greater abilities.
The new earth diet is a plant based diet consisting of organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, seaweed and fresh water. Organic is important because commercial crops are so badly poisoned by the use of pesticides, herbicides like glyphosates. These agents are highly toxic and poison our bodies.
Meat and dairy are also extremely toxic to our bodies and both meat and dairy require the killing of animals for ongoing productions. It doesn’t matter whether one believes the killing is humane or not. We still absorb the vibration of fear and death from these animals. In order to produce milk and milk products, a cow must be kept pregnant. The male calves are killed for meat or raised to fertilize the females. When a female cow is used up from being pregnant and milked all the time, about seven years, she is also killed for meat. So if you believe by consuming dairy you are not taking part in the killing, this is not true. There is a lot of pain and suffering in the animal kingdom that humans contribute to on a daily basis due to their demand for meat and dairy.
The human body doesn’t need meat and dairy to thrive. In fact science is actually showing that a plant based diet is the healthiest diet on the planet. We are not talking about a vegan diet where anything is consumed as long as it is vegan. We are talking about a healthy diet of organic fruit, nuts, seeds, vegetables and seaweed. Some grains are also good for some but mostly the gluten free grains like millet, oats and quinoa. Lentils and Beans are also an excellent source of plant protein.
Plant based foods are foods from the earth that are specifically designed for humans. Humans have a digestive system that are designed by the creator to process plant foods. So by eating a plant based diet not only are we eating a diet that is “New Earth” friendly but also best for our physical form. Plants offer a higher vibrational energy, especially raw plants, so the more fresh, organic raw food we can consume the better. This doesn’t mean that we need to be raw foodists. We can still enjoy some cooked grains, veggies and soups.
I’ve eaten a plant based diet for about seven years now. I was vegetarian prior to that. There are so many different varieties of foods to eat and I never get bored. I have no cravings for meat or dairy. In making my transition to plant based, giving up cheese was the hardest, because I loved it, but when I realized that I was contributing to the killing of animals to support my cheese addiction, I quickly gave it up and never looked back. It doesn’t take long to release addictions and cravings; especially when you begin to feel so good as a result of giving your body such high vibe nutrition.
When you embrace a healthy, organic, plant based diet, you will notice healing of many dis-eases taking place as well as weight loss, glowing skin, more energy and looking and feeling more youthful.
On the New Earth, reported by many in their Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions, there are varieties of fruits and veggies we don’t have here. There is a particular variety of a custard fruit that is similar to a passion fruit, but very creamy and custard like that is sweet and delicious. This fruit alone has everything the body needs.
On 3D earth there are limitations to the food we grow. We have very depleted soil and our fruits and veggies don’t have the nutrition they once did. So we need a good variety and may want to supplement with green powders and algae, as well as Vitamin B-12 and Omega 3 Fatty Acids like flax seed and chia.
I follow Dr. Brooke Goldner’s protocol, having a full blender of a green smoothie daily, where I pack the blender (a blendtec) three quarters full of packed greens, one quarter full of frozen or fresh fruit or a combination and two tablespoons of flax seed, filling the blender with water and putting into two mason jars, drinking one for breakfast and one in the afternoon. This guarantees I get my greens and my omega 3 fatty acids every day and I get a good amount of fresh, organic, raw food each day. I also like to add a large salad. I like making a salad of green cabbage, cruciferous veggies and other veggies and top it with a home made cashew dressing. In the evening if I feel like it I will have potatoes, lentils, beans, quinoa or a veggie based soup. That fills my want/need/desire for something cooked.
As we move into the New Earth, we won’t be cooking, from what I understand. We will be living in harmony with nature and nature provides everything our body needs, growing naturally. It will be so delicious that we won’t want or need anything else. We begin to shed our addictions to unnatural foods now while still connected to 3D. But when we are in the New Earth, we will have no addictions to things like coffee, tea, or cooked foods. We will consume some juices and milks from coconuts and other delicious beverages.
Our light bodies won’t need much in the way of nutrition. In fact some people in their Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions say we can live on light alone, but we consume fruits and other natural food for our enjoyment.
In our 3D culture, food is very addictive and a favorite past time for so many of us. All of our social events are based around the consumption of food. We also consume a lot of alcohol, which is not something we have on the New Earth. Alcohol lowers our vibration and also allows us to be conduits for disembodied entities that are still trying to feed their addictions through us.
Adopting a high vibrational plant based diet will help to prepare your physical body to hold more light and energy. It will also raise your vibration to higher and higher levels. If you eat fifty to seventy five percent of your food raw and the other fifty to twenty five percent cooked you will see the greatest healing and weight loss results. Going completely raw, according to Dr. Goldener is optimal for healing serious diseases. Once the disease is cured you can bring in a little cooked food. But Goldener noticed many people plateaued in their healing until they took out all cooked food. She also has you drinking a gallon of fresh water a day to cleanse the body of the toxins. She is having miraculous results in healing dis-ease.
Adopting the New Earth diet will help prepare you for the ongoing ascension and also help you to release extra weight, and heal physical and energetic issues. There is no time like the present to make a serious change in diet and transform your body, mind and spirit.