2024 Message from a Hybrid Child

When I was in a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session, as the subject, I had an experience of meeting my own hybrid child. Decades ago I had a very vivid dream where some beings from another dimension of reality met with me to take some of my eggs for the hybrid project which was to create a civilization using eggs from human women and sperm from higher dimensional men. My sense was that i had volunteered to donate my eggs prior to incarnating into this body. It was an agreement I made, just as I had made the agreement to come here.
In this vivid dream, we were in a forest setting and a woman did the procedure to remove some of my eggs. We were immersed in nature and it felt very relaxed and safe. I wasn’t at all surprised. It simply felt that an agreement was being fulfilled.
After that dream I had the realization it wasn’t actually a dream. It was happening on another dimension of reality, and if I have learned one thing in all my years of spiritual exploration, it is that we live in many different dimensions of reality.
To my surprise when I had a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session I met my own hybrid child. She was about eight years old at the time. Now she would be about twelve or thirteen. She lived in another dimension, of course, and she and the other hybrids were being prepared to seed the New Earth and prepare it for others to come. The New Earth required these higher dimensional beings to help others to rise up in consciousness so they could be a part of the New Earth. During my session, the Hybrid Child told me that they were working with the 3D children of Earth to teach them and guide them, so they could guide humanity as they grew into adults. We can see evidence of this now with so many children and young adults with a very expanded consciousness.
Since my session I have been able to communicate with my hybrid child at will, simply by tuning in and listening. And so I have decided to see what she has to say about the coming year, 2024.
2024 Message from a Hybrid Child
2024 is a year of dramatic change and shift upon the planet. The old structures are crumbling and falling away so that the new can rise up and take its place. People are awakening at record speeds and no longer supporting the old paradigm. As with any major shift there are growing pains and there will be suffering on the planet. There will also be a lot of death of humans as they release their physical forms and go on to live in the spiritual dimensions. But this death is not to be feared or grieved on any kind of deep level. Those who are leaving at this time, have agreed to leave and this is a powerful time for them. Many who are leaving cannot hold the energy that is coming onto the planet now. The vibration is increasing very rapidly and it is causing many to lose control of their senses and their sanity. So you must accept the increasing death as part of the process. The old energy must die off so the new can be born.
There is still much darkness and destruction as the Archons (the Dark ones) are fighting very hard to maintain control over the planet and its people. They didn’t realize so many would wake up the way they are and resist against the controls being put in place. There are too many of you now. It is like the metamorphosis process of the butterfly. The imaginal cells, at some point in the process, over power the resistant cells, which are the cells that are resistant to change. As a result the resistant cells die off and the imaginal cells go on to form the body of the butterfly.
You are the new energy! You are forming the body of the butterfly, but the process can feel very uncertain at the time. It is important to hold the vision of the New Earth, the higher dimensional reality that is being created. It is actually already here. We, the hybrid children already live here. It is an incredibly beautiful and magical place.
It doesn’t help to focus on the wars of the dark lords. It is much better for your ascension process to focus on what is coming into form, not what is falling away. Remember that it is the darkest before the dawn. The dawn is coming and it won’t be long. But 2024 is one of the most significant years as the collapse is happening and people are feeling its effects. So many want to go back to how it used to be, but there is no going back. The old ways are gone. You can no longer live as caterpillars upon the earth. You must now dawn wings and become the butterfly.
It is important to remember that things are not as they seem. You have to look deeper, beyond the illusion that is being painted by those who are still trying to control you. They are fighting very hard right now. They are afraid to die. They are afraid to release control. They are afraid to lose what they have fought so hard to gain. Their world is very material and their focus is on money, power, control, possessions, land, youth, beauty, pleasures of the flesh and prolonging life.
These Archons control the illusion by controlling the narrative through media. They only support those who are plugged into the narrative and they attempt to assassinate those who see beyond the illusion and know what is going on. They punish, censor and imprison those who speak the truth. The truth is the enemy of the lie. The lie cannot be believed as long as the truth is circulating.
There are still many who believe the lie, who are plugged into the mainstream narrative and believe what they are being told. These are the people who will suffer the most in the upcoming decade. Because they refuse to see. They fight within themselves to stay blind to the truth. But there will come a time where the truth is dominant and the lie is exposed completely. This time is upon you.
There are some things that are important for you who are on an ascension path. Watch what you eat and drink. Focus on the New Earth Diet of organic, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds and clean water. It is really important to have clean water. Do not allow yourself to be injected with anything. Nature is far more powerful than technology and the more you can align with nature the stronger you will be and the more “in tune” you will be with the emerging world.
Also be in nature as much as you can. Allow your energy to align with the energy of nature. Walk amongst the trees, and sit by the water.
Unplug as often as you can from technology. Although technology is useful and not evil in and of itself, people are too plugged into technology and not plugged into nature. This is interfering with the ascension process, meaning it is keeping your vibration lower.
Focusing on unplugging from technology, being in nature and adopting a “New Earth Diet,” will greatly help you to make the transition within your own being and thereby helping the transition of humanity into New Earth Consciousness.
Blessings my dear family.
The Hybrid Child