Guidance from an 8th Dimensional Being
There are few Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions where I don’t learn something that I need to know for my own journey. I get wisdom and guidance from every session. I get reminders of something not only my clients need to remember, but I do too.
In fact most spiritual students who come to have a session to work something out it their own life, are remembering past lives and information from higher realms, because so many come from the higher realms in order to be here now for the great awakening. The information is not new. It is information they already know on some level but because of the density of this 3D experience, they often forget that they remember. The QHHT session reminds them of what they already know.
In one recent session, while talking to an 8th dimensional being, I remembered that there were multiple realities going on at one time here. I remembered that we can choose which reality we want to align with. I am reminded that the darker, denser 3rd dimension of reality is happening in a different world than I live in. It may appear that I am living in the same world, but in the reality I have chosen, I am not.
I am also reminded that anything we ask higher guidance for, be it love, money, abundance or healing, it is already done. When we ask, we receive, but we often forget that it is already done and go back to the 3D reality that we have to see it before we believe it.
In 5D, we believe it first. We believe that it is already done and we align with that reality. The version of reality we feed on the imaginal realm produces the desired results over time. But if we are discouraged because we are not seeing the results today, we run the risk of negating those results and believing that we are still unhealthy, in lack and don’t have what we want.
In the quantum field, we are already thin, fit, healthy, rich, successful and deeply loved. We already have it all. But in 3D, it hasn’t shown up yet. So we doubt. We negate. We disbelieve. We disbelieve that when we ask, we must ask, knowing it is already done. We have already set into motion that which we ask for. But when we look at the current results of our life, it may look as if nothing has changed at all; I still have that back pain, or the fifty extra pounds, or the sad bank account, or nobody special in my life. We forget that what we asked for is on its way!
The biggest most important thing that is on its way is the New Earth Reality. We have already manifested the New Earth. it is already done! It is already here, but our disbelief that it is a real thing, keeps us from living in and experiencing this reality. Instead we focus on the wars, the chaos, the drama, the politics, the pandemics and everything that we “don’t” want. Then we tell ourselves this is what the truth is. Our reality is war, chaos, drama, political insanity and dis-ease. We forget that we need to focus on the reality we have called in and not the one that our 3D eyes are showing us.
We need to develop our 5D eyes and see that we first create on the level of the energetic, and then we feed it with our positive thoughts and beliefs until it manifests itself in the 3D reality, or a reality that we can see, feel and touch.
New Earth is not 3D reality, but as we collectively feed it with our visions, our beliefs and thoughts, we begin to see signs of its manifestation. But because there are multiple realities going on at once, we may also continue to see the war, drama and chaos of the old world as it is falling away. Just because we see it with our physical eyes, doesn’t mean it is the reality we align with. It is like watching a television screen and seeing this drama playing out. It looks real and we may even feel the emotions and the pain of the characters in that movie. But it isn’t happening where we are in the moment. We are simply watching the drama from another reality.
So we all need to remember to feed the seeds of New Earth in our own psyche and stop buying into the idea that the chaotic world is the one we live in. It is the one we observe, but not our reality. Unless we completely lose ourselves in it.
I am reminded not to lose myself into that reality and instead feed the seeds of the world I am calling in with my conscious thoughts, beliefs and requests. What I ask for today is the world I live in tomorrow. it is that simple, if we only believe.