Why Take a Shamanic Journey?
A shaman is someone who sees in the dark. What is the darkness I’m referring to? Well it can be one’s shadow, the parts of their unconscious that remains hidden from them. It could be a world of fears and insecurities, and it could be related to soul purpose that one has not yet connected with. A shamanic journey can help one to go deep into the shadow and discover what lies there. Without the ego being in complete control one can move beyond the fears and see a deeper truth. This is the medicine of the shamanic journey.
However it isn’t necessary to ingest plant medicines in order to take the shamanic journey within. If you can be facilitated into a deep enough trance, you can discover so much about yourself, your fears, what holds you back, what keeps you stuck and what your true purpose is for being here. In fact sometimes a light trance is all that is needed. I’ve put several clients into contact with their higher self, through light trance. But a deeper trance is great for dissolving the boundaries between dimensions so one can travel to past, future or parallel lives, meet with spirit guides, higher self and connect with their own soul’s mission and purpose.
A plant medicine journey can be very insightful and revealing for many people, but is often expensive and involves travel to Peru or Costa Rica to have the journey facilitated by a true, experienced Shaman. Or one can find someone locally who facilitates journeys but may not have the level of experience to help you out of a difficult place. A quantum healing hypnosis journey or other type of shamanic journey can be much less expensive and you may not even need to leave home.
Although Quantum Healing Hypnosis, founded by the late Dolores Cannon, requires in person sessions, there is a technique Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis that can be facilitated via Zoom. I personally will facilitate any shamanic hypnotherapy session except QHHT, via zoom. It is important we have a good internet connection, and we can test our connection during the interview/intake portion of the session.
A Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session can be the same as a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session, except it is not required that these sessions be done in person. Beyond Quantum Healing also allows for a more intuitive approach, which may include different inductions, relaxation techniques, and deepening techniques to get someone into trance.
I’ve been a Clinical Hypnotherapist since 1988 and have taken many different types of hypnosis trainings since then, including QHHT. Sometimes it can feel limiting if a client isn’t responding to the “official induction,” or just isn’t responding period. It is good to have a tool belt of other techniques that may be affective in helping a client get to where they want to go. So I always appreciate having the different levels of training available to me when working with a client. Although the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique works for the majority of people I’ve worked with, now and then I get someone who is very analytical and just doesn’t respond.
In my initial training back in 1988, I learned ways to over-ride the analytical mind, that never thinks it is hypnotized. It may have expectations of what it should look like or feel like, and if those expectations aren’t met they may resist the session. In one session I had a doctor who was very scientific and analytical who kept saying “it’s not working! It’s not working!” And guess what? It didn’t work.
If one comes to a hypnosis session with the idea he or she can’t be hypnotized, sometimes they are right. But sometimes it is their expectation of what they believe hypnosis should feel like.
Since only about twenty percent of those who come in for sessions are a somnamulistic, (go so deep they are not consciously aware of the session,) eighty percent of people who come in for hypnosis are conscious of what is going on. They remember most of the session. Sometimes they may even have a thought they are making it all up, because we are using the imagination to access past, future or parallel lives. So if someone is part of the eighty percent and very analytical, and also not very imaginative, he or she may not be able to access the deeper layers of consciousness. There are too many factors.
The good news is that most people I work with have a very positive experience and report they have never felt so relaxed. Because in hypnosis the body relaxes to the point where one is often unaware of having a body. This allows the client to move beyond the body into other realms of consciousness. This is similar to what happens with plant medicines. The body is often immobilized, at least after the initial purging and releasing that happens.
If one is unsuccessful with any kind of hypnosis, plant medicines may be the way to bypass that conscious, analytical and controlling mind. Although I have heard stories where one takes a plant medicine journey and nothing really happens, most will report a very active, hallucinogenic experience where they see, feel and hear things in their journey. Plant medicines don’t care about your ego. They will bypass it very quickly. Although hypnosis is much gentler than plant medicines, it cannot force the ego to step aside like plant medicines can.
We need to get beyond our ego in order to experience deeper layers of consciousness. The ego is attached to your perceived identity and doesn’t want to part with those perceptions. One who needs to be in control at all times, for fear of how they are perceived, will often have difficulty in letting go. But there are ways.
Once we get into a deep state of trance/hypnosis, this is where the magic happens. This is where we can guide you to where the answers are that you need for your life. Just like plant medicines, we have no control where you go, but we can bring you out immediately or take you somewhere else, if needed. Unfortunately, if you are on a bad plant medicine trip, you have to ride it out.
If you would like to have the experience of a Shamanic Hypnotherapy Journey, I would be happy to talk to you about scheduling one. Contact me here. Or Schedule Online Here.
Note: If you are scheduling Online and need a different time then my Calender shows, just contact me and I will see if I can find a spot for you.