The Battle Between Love and Fear
The one thing I hear consistently from most spiritual teachers and channels is that “Love is the way.” We must work to move through our fear and embrace love in our lives, regardless of what things look like on the outside. The challenge, I find, is knowing how to navigate through the world today with all its insanity when so many are living in and reacting from fear.
The Course in Miracles teaches that all “bad behavior” is a cry for love. I have struggled with this because I have attempted to respond to “bad behavior” showing up in others with love and as a result I experience attack. What I mean by this, is that those who do not carry the intention to resolve conflict and be in harmony, will use my kindness, generosity and compassion against me. Or they will push me so hard I react and then they focus on my reaction as a way to further demonize me. It is crazy making. This is the world of narcissists and sociopaths who have no desire for peace, for love and connection bu instead have a desire for power and control.
There is a possibility that people become narcissistic or sociopathic as a result of a lack of love in early childhood, or even from a past life, but when we attempt to just throw more love at the problem, it is like throwing gasoline on a fire.
It is difficult for me to believe love is always the answer in our conflicts with those who don’t value love or see it as a weakness to exploit. But I do know that love is the way, we ourselves find peace and connection. If we have two choices, love or fear, choosing love is what will bring us what we are seeking.
It might be said that those who are so separated from love that their actions and behaviors are generally cruel and abusive, are coming from fear. Perhaps that fear is so deeply rooted that it drives their behavior. And perhaps if they experienced real love, rather than that intense fear, they would behave differently. But we can’t change or fix this in others. We can only do this for ourselves.
The spiritual path is really the path of the self to God, or oneness. We aren’t here to fix or heal others. We are not here to heal the world. We are here to heal our own separation from God and in doing so we are contributing to the healing and the ascension of the planet into its new form.
Our separation is only an illusion. The truth is, we are not separate. But we might believe we are separate. We might feel separate. We might hunger for connection with others in effort to heal our feeling of separation from God. But we have to come to the realization that God has never abandoned us. It is we who have abandoned God.
As long as we are in separation from God or Source Energy, we will be living in the vibration of fear. It is fear that causes the wars, the disagreements and our separation from each other.
Often when we extend love to our fearful brothers and sisters, it falls upon deaf ears. Because when one lives in fear and separation, they push love away, they annihilate it, and they battle with it. Of course this is all done unconsciously. Those who are so deeply lost in fear and separation will project their own inner demons onto others and believe the cause of their pain is coming from the outside. So they attack those on the outside who trigger their fear and pain. And love is one of the greatest triggers. It is like a light that shines on the darkness and exposes what lies there.
People hiding in fear don’t want their fear and their pain to be exposed. They don’t want their dirty deeds to be exposed. They are hiding. They are avoiding the light that would expose them. So, if you come into the picture, a shiny beacon of light, you may very well be attacked. And in that attack, you will be blamed for doing the horrible things to them, that they are doing to themselves and to you.
The best thing you can do with people who will attack you as a result of your light exposing their darkness, is walk away. Avoid them. Distance yourself from them. They aren’t going to change and recognize that you are a good person who just wants to love them.
When we stray too far from the light; too far from love; or too far from God, we become lost in our own delusions. We fight with the world outside of us to compensate for the pain and fear within us.
This is why we must confront any and all fear that is within us. Fear becomes the enemy of our good, our God. Fear is truly at the root of all evil. And those who are too deeply lost in fear, cannot be saved by the light, because the light is too threatening.
In Dolores Cannons Hypnotherapy sessions where she talks about the separation of the earth into two different states of consciousness, she clearly states that all are not going to the New Earth, which is the state of consciousness rooted in love. Many will stay and play out their dramas on the old earth, the Third Dimensional level of consciousness which is heavy and dense and rooted in the vibration of fear.
I can wrap my mind around how our higher purpose is to grow in consciousness, but not all beings are choosing to do this. Not all beings are consciously or unconsciously on board with the program. Maybe it will take them eons of lifetimes to get to a place where they realize it isn’t rewarding to play their war games anymore. But for now, there is a whole population of human beings who are choosing fear-based consciousness and living from that place.
This is why with all Cannon’s hypnotherapy sessions from people all over the world, it is reported that not everyone will make the leap in consciousness that is currently happening on the planet. The leap of consciousness is into a much higher vibration and not everyone can tolerate that amount of light. This is why so many are imploding right now. This is why so many seem to be going crazy. This is why there is so much war, murder and suicide. This is why it is so intense.
In the revelations in the bible, the rapture is where one is taken and the other is left behind. Most people who study the bible will tell us the good, God loving people will be taken and the one’s who are evil and who have not made God an important part of their lives will be left behind.
Ironically in Dolores Cannon’s sessions a similar thing is being witnessed. One will rise up into the New Earth Consciousness, and the other will be left behind. What does this look like in terms of what we are witnessing here on planet earth. This is unclear. Perhaps we are not meant to know exactly how it looks. The thing we are meant to know is that there is a division between light and dark, love and fear that is currently underway. It is a sorting process. It is like separating the wheat from the chaff. The New Earth is created from the vibration of love and cannot house the lower, dense, fear vibrations.
Now this doesn’t mean we are never afraid. It is normal and human to be afraid sometimes. But we are talking about deep unconscious layers of fear that cause people to do deeply unconscious things.
On an awakening path, we confront our shadows and the places where we have been unconscious, and this is an ongoing work. If we are not consciously confronting the shadow, we will be moving through life acting and reacting from our fear, pain and trauma.
If we want to be healthy and raise ourselves up in vibration, we need to surround ourselves with people on an upward journey and let those who are bringing you down, go.
Love does require healthy boundaries, because you need to have love for yourself. You need to be able to fill your own cup first and give to others from the overflow, but you also need to be mindful as to who you give to. Some people are just takers and will take whatever you give without ever giving anything in return. So mind your energy, fill your own cup, and share with those who love and appreciate you.
So often that battle between love and fear begins with ourselves so we have to learn to confront the fear within ourselves, learn to cultivate self-love and as a result we will raise up in vibration and be a much more loving force in the lives of others.