Quantum Jumping Into a New Reality
Quantum Jumping is a technique I used in Shamanic Hypnotherapy but it is also something you can do on your own, and I am going to show you how and give you a sample.
So what exactly is quantum jumping? Well it is a technique where we enter the quantum field, find another version of ourselves from another time and space who has already mastered what it is we desire to master, and we jump into that reality and bring it back with us.
Maybe it sounds like a science fiction movie but the quantum field operates outside of our known conscious reality, It is the field of pure potentiality in which all things are possible. In fact often what we consider to be impossible becomes possible in the quantum field of reality.
When people have miraculous results using quantum jumping or entering the imaginal realm during a session, it may seem unbelievable. But it is time we get used to the unbelievable and make it believable.
Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions have produced many miracles. This is because it takes place in the quantum field where exists all possibilities. She talked about having people going into their sessions with a diagnosed cancer, even as far along as stage four, and after their session the client feels the cancer is gone. They end up confirming what they felt to be true by producing a negative test.
This is instantaneous results. I also had a Quantum Healing Hypnosis client who also had a miraculous, instantaneous healing.
Gregg Braden talks about how he observed a woman’s tumor completely shrink and disappear while a group of Oriental doctors stood around her visualizing the cancerous tumor gone. They kept repeating “It is done, it is done, it is done,” and it was done.
I had a personal experience in my twenties when I went to the hospital with an appendicitis attack and they wanted to operate immediately. For some reason my higher, intuitive knowing said “No, do not consent to an operation, you can heal this.” So I lay all day in the hospital amongst very frustrated nurses and doctors who weren’t sure what they were going to do with me when my appendix bursts and they didn’t have my permission to operate. I had doctors and surgeons coming in trying to talk me into signing the consent form and I stubbornly refused. All the while I kept visualizing healing white light around me. They kept an eye on me and continued to take blood and check my white count. The pain began to subside and my white count started reversing. The doctors were shaking their head as the urgency of the situation seemed to be shifting in front of their very eyes. By the end of the day they told me they saw no signs of appendicitis. They gave me an antibiotic and sent me home with instructions to come back in the next day and see the surgeon. When I came back in he still could not see any signs of appendicitis and shook his head saying “I’ve never seen anything like this.”
What are miracles but shifts in reality created when we enter the quantum field. And this is available to all of us. If we can believe in the potential of the quantum field we can access it on a daily basis and create a completely different reality.
With Quantum Jumping we are tapping into an alternate reality. We are meeting an alternate you.
Have you ever heard that for every decision you have made in life, there is an aspect of you that made a different decision? If this is true, then imagine how many aspects of you are out there in an alternate reality?
It is easy for us to assume that the third dimensional physical reality that we are aware of is the only reality. This is because it is the only one we physically see and experience. So we assume it is all there is.
When we think of what Dolores Cannon calls “The New Earth,” it is easy to dismiss it as fantasy, because in 3D realty there is only one earth and one reality. It can be difficult to imagine or contemplate that we could create a whole different world in the quantum field and make the choice to live in that world.
Our third dimensional reality is our agreed upon consensus reality. But outside of this reality there are many. And even within this reality there are many. For example people believe so many different things to be true and what they believe to be true is their reality. People have different beliefs around religion, politics, science, and diet. There is no one reality.
So there is a reality out there, existing in the quantum field, where you are wealthy and have everything you want and need. There is a reality where you are in excellent health and great physical condition. There is a reality where you have your perfect soulmate. There is a reality where you became a psychologist instead of a truck driver, or a scientist instead of a restaurant owner. There is a reality where you have already overcome your addiction, or where your business is already super successful.
You can tap into an alternate reality; one where you are already what you want to be or where you want to be and pull that reality into the here and now. This can be a life changing experience.
To Book a Quantum Jumping Session or another Shamanic Hypnotherapy Session go here.
For a sample session, watch the video below: