New Youtube Channel Shamanic Hypnotherapy
It feels like things are really beginning to heat up with the changes happening on the planet and I’m being guided to create a new Youtube Channel to talk about these changes and what we can do to navigate them. The name of my new Channel is Shamanic Hypnotherapy, but it isn’t just about hypnotherapy. It is more about everything that has been coming out of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions and other Shamanic Hypnotherapy sessions. I will talk about my own experiences, the experiences of clients, who want to share their experiences, and offer tools and techniques that can be used to help you make a quantum leap in your own life.
It is important to remember that the split Dolores Cannon talks about begins with a separating of realities, which has clearly been happening more and more in the past several years since the Pandemic. The 3D physical world seems to be breaking down around us and the Dark Lords seem to be taking over and attempting to control the narrative. If they don’t control how people see what is happening in the world they lose power. If people really saw what they were doing, they would be absolutely appalled.
Many of us do see, quite clearly, what they are doing. But we can’t stop them. We can only make a quantum shift into a new reality where that world no longer has power. So many people I’ve been listening to have been talking about the necessity to create a new world and let the old one fall apart. This new world is the New Earth. We can’t save the old earth, because it has been poisoned by the controllers, special interest groups, big pharma, big food, big corporations and big politics. Money is their God and they will do anything for it, including sacrifice their children’s future.
Dolores Cannon said that not everyone will make it to the new earth. Many will re-create the old earth reality where they can continue to play their war games and live in the lower vibrations they are plugged into.
It is important to remember that the New Earth is a Consciousness that we are attuning to. And we can bring out states of consciousness into physical reality. So right now, it is important to stay aligned with the New Reality, regardless of what we are seeing take place in 3D.
My channel is a place where I can share reminders of the New Earth Consciousness and give hope and inspiration and even some mini Quantum Leaping sessions.
So please visit my new channel below and if you would like to take this journey with me, I would appreciate if you subscribe and leave a comment.