The Tree of Life
I recently did a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session with a friend who received messages from the Tree of Life.
In the beginning of our session, when she came into her first vision, it was not of a past life, but instead she found herself in a field with a very large and beautiful tree. As I begin to speak with her about the tree, she informed me there were no other trees around, only this one, amazing, magnificent tree. As she described it I felt it might be the infamous “Tree of Life” that she was describing and when I asked her she said that it was.
I thought we were going to get into a long conversation about the messages the tree had for us, but it unfolded a bit differently than I thought it would. In the distance there was a grove of smaller trees and the trees were behind an old rickety fence. She had the feeling the grove of trees were kept from the Tree of Life. They were smaller and didn’t have the same vibrancy as the big one. She said it felt that the fence was to keep them away from the tree of life. The grove of trees represented us, the people and we were being kept from our life force by a rickety fence that could easily be broken down.
It reminded me of the training of an elephant where the elephant is initially kept from running away by a thick chain around its ankle, and in the end it is only a small string that the elephant could easily break. Only the elephant was conditioned to believe that he couldn’t break the chain/string and so he no longer tried.
So here we have a grove of trees and the big Tree of Life that represented the source of life, the life force and we were kept away from it by a fence we could easily break or climb over. But we didn’t try.
The Tree of Life was brimming with the Life Force, but the smaller grove of trees were dim in comparison. What would happen if they realized they were really free, and not captive of the small, rickety fence that was keeping them out of the garden.
In the biblical story of Adam and Eve, God placed in the center of the Garden of Eden both the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They could eat of all the trees in the Garden except the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Tree of life was for their healing and would allow them to live forever. But once Adam and Eve sinned by partaking of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they were cast out of the garden so they would no longer have access to the Tree of Life. This is because they were disobedient and could not be trusted with ever lasting life.
And so humanity had the knowledge of Good and Evil, but no longer had access to the Tree of Life that would give them healing, nourishment and ever lasting life.
But it has been a very long time since Adam and Eve were cast from the Garden and the only thing really preventing us from the Tree of Life is a rickety old fence and a belief that we are powerless to change our circumstances.
We are living in a time where Evil is threatening to destroy humanity and if we remain unaware of what is happening, we will surely perish. And so that knowledge of good and evil is necessary in order to Wake Up and stop giving our power to the dark forces that threaten to destroy us.
The New Earth represents a return to the Garden. And the rickety fence is the barrier that may appear to be keeping us out of the Garden but really has no power. It is an old, worn down structure that is ready to cave. The only power the Dark Lords of our planet have over us now is to convince us of our powerlessness. Their only power is to keep us believing that string around our ankle will keep us from going anywhere. But the truth is we can break down that fence and walk right up to the tree, that is brimming with the life force, healing, awareness and purity.
The Tree of Life represents eternal life. It reminds us that we are not these bodies. We are souls within a body and we are here for a reason. We are here now to bring in the New Earth. The old Earth is falling away, much like that rickety old fence. And those who try and wield power over us have no idea how powerful we are. But they are about to find out.
In my friends session, the aura around the Tree of Life was an electric blue. It was energized, and it was ready to share its love and energy with those of us who came in pure intention to create the New Earth. It is here to give us the energy to create the garden of life right in the center of the darkness. The darkness has no power over us. We must remain strong in our choices and choose freedom, love and life!
The Tree of Life gives us life! Let us cross over the fence now, and take our rightful place in the Garden, where we build a world worth living in; one filled with divine love, health, vitality, energy and connection.
The New Earth is calling! Will you answer?