A Call To Our Higher Purpose
A friend and I have recently joined forces in our quest for the truth and to stand strong in who we are, regardless of how others see us, or see life. We feel a mission, a sense of purpose in our lives, now more than ever. It is as if this is the time we have come here for. Our purpose for being born in this space and time is to help with this transition to the New Earth.
I realized that most people who are on the timeline leading to the New Earth consciousness, are beginning to feel this sense of purpose or mission kicking into high gear. If we listen to the still, small voice within, we can hear the guidance. It is our job to answer the call.
There can be a tendency to ignore the calling and retreat into safety where we don’t speak our truth, or stand tall in who we are for fear of being attacked, shunned, or censored. But we need to remember that this is the time where our voices need to be heard. We need to stand in our truth and do what we feel is the right thing.
It is clear that people have different ideas about what is happening now. Our friends, our family, our partners, our co-workers can all have very different opinions and beliefs. We need to take a deep breath and allow others to be on the trajectory they are on. But this is not the time to enable our people pleaser, or try to “fit in,” or avoid conflict. It is the time to stand tall in your truth and do what your deepest inner guidance is instructing you to do. Follow the inner voice. Follow the calling.
It may seem that many people are asleep, in some kind of mass hypnosis, just going along with the program, believing they are doing what is right. But we are not here to judge and “make wrong” those who feel strongly they are on the right path. They most likely are on the right path for them. What we have to understand right now is there are many different paths.
We are in the time of the splitting of the timelines. And although there are two major splits happening right now, there are many different timelines. And awakening is happening in increments for many people. There will be many quantum jumps to different timelines.
If you are a lightworker, a healer, an empath, or a way shower of some type, it is important to understand that your mission is not to convince other people of “your truth.” Your mission is to live your truth. It is okay to speak your truth to those who are willing to listen. But it is futile to engage in arguments with people who obviously oppose your truth.
If you wish to speak your truth through writing, video’s, interviews or some other format, this is great. Because people can choose to listen, to read, or to leave. We are not here to shove our truth down someone’s throat, nor are we here to allow others to shove their truth down ours. We are here to live the truth as we see it. There is a magic to being a bright light in the darkness. The more bright lights we have and the more these bright lights come together, the more we light up the planet. And the more we light up the planet, the more the truth is exposed.
Although there are many paths to the true truth, there is one truth that will prevail for those on the trajectory to the New Earth. This is a truth that has us returning to the natural world, living in harmony with the earth and all of its inhabitants. It is about living in love rather than fear and trusting in the divine guidance coming from within. The more awakened we are, the more we are able to hear the voice of love/truth speaking to us from within.
I feel it is important for us to be aware, by consuming the information we are guided to consume, but also to be discerning and not believe everything we hear. Your inner voice will tell you what to take in and what to throw away. However, this is a time we must remember to anchor in love and not fear. So, if certain information is making you fearful, it is probably best to toss it out, or not give it your attention. Since the New Earth carries a high, loving vibration, we can’t get there by being fearful. We can only get there through the pathway of love. Therefore, we need to constantly be aware of what energy we are feeding. What energy are we giving our attention to?
If you question or doubt yourself and not sure if what you are getting is true guidance, ask yourself if the information coming to you feels loving in your body, or does it feel fearful. It is not that fearful things are not happening, they are. But we can take our focus off the darkness happening in the world and put it on the light. This doesn’t mean we are never afraid. It just means we don’t live in the state of fear.
Now is the time to listen and follow your deepest inner calling. It is time to step fully into your mission. Become unstoppable! Be the light! Know who you are! Shine brightly! And live in the truth that light and love are the strongest forces upon this earth! The candle illuminates the dark room.
If there is one agenda of the dark forces of humanity it is to snuff out the light so we can’t see the dark agenda. This is why it is now, more important than ever to shine your light more brightly than ever! The brighter our collective light, the more we illuminate the deepest truth and the more the old systems crumble. They can no longer be sustained. They are propped up by fear and control. They don’t have the ability to move into the higher dimension of reality, because they are fear-based programs.
So, shine on! Lets illuminate this world!