Following Your Own Truth
I’ve taken a break from the New Earth Center Website as I’ve really been undergoing some changes; as most of us are right now. I’ve needed to get really clear about why I am here, and what my mission is. It feels everything is changing so fast.
As I’ve spent time traveling, riding my bike, and reflecting on what is happening in the world right now, I feel very deeply guided to focus on inspiring those who come here to really tune inward, and listen, to the guidance coming from the inner worlds.
It is important now, more than ever, to follow your own hearts call, and not succumb to pressure, that would have you go against your inner knowing, guidance, morals and values.
In fact, the birthing of the New Earth, is the birthing of the world you really want to live in. Not one where you are controlled and coerced into following a program, but one where you are free to live according to your heart and your principals.
We are living in a time where we are being told that we need to give up our freedoms and go against our own better judgement, for the greater good of the whole. But what is in your greater good is for the greater good of the whole. We need to remember this!
I often say this to clients who are in a difficult situation where they may need to leave an abusive partner, even though they have a family together. My clients often feel they need to keep the family together, even if it means tolerating emotional and verbal abuse. There may be a concern that if they leave, the children will have to be alone with a parent who is emotionally and verbally abusive. These are all valid concerns and need to be looked at, still I always hear the guidance within telling me “what is in her highest good is also the highest good of all.”
If you find yourself going against the mainstream agenda, it may feel a bit like walking upstream. Because the tendency is to go with the flow. But if you really are not in alignment with where the flow is going, you may need to resist.
Now, we can look at the saying “what you resist, persists,” but it this always true? I don’t believe so. Because sometimes we need to stand firm in what we believe, not allowing ourselves to be bullied or shaken by opposing beliefs. Standing firm in our position, may look like resistance to the current that is pulling the majority into a vortex. Our role may be to offer another way, or hold the vision of the world you really want to live in by already living in it.
It is never selfish to do what you feel is right. It is in honor of the divine. Because this is where your guidance is coming from. So, stand in your truth! BE who you are! Follow your own inner knowing!
If we all follow the guidance of our hearts, we will be led to through the doorway to the New Earth. It is not a place “out there,” but rather a state of “being” that exists within all of us who imagine a world of peace, love and freedom.