Fragmenting Realities
One thing I have noticed in my own life and in the lives of friends and clients is that we seem to be going through another timeline split where people are living in multiple realities. Now, it is common that we all see life from different perspective, but it is more than this. There is a lot of projection happening where someone will accuse someone else of doing something or saying something they never did or never said. The accuser fully believes their own version of reality and the accused is baffled, confused, and trying to sort out what really happened.
This is the type of behavior I typically see with personality disorders. The disordered individual projects a distorted reality onto others and believes it to be true. The one who is receiving the projections is baffled and confused, put on the defensive and trying to make sense out of insanity.
I have decided for myself that it is pointless to try and defend myself or convince another person that their version of realty isn’t true. Instead, I need to align with my own reality and stop questioning and doubting myself. I need to go where I am loved, embraced, believed, and supported.
If I find myself alone, completely alone, than it is myself I need to love, embrace, believe and support. And the more I can offer these things to myself, the more I will magnetize those into my life who will also offer these basic things.
The world has been at odds with each other for some time between a hostile political environment and differing beliefs around how to handle the Covid-19 Pandemic, or if it is even a Pandemic. People believe what they believe, and it is pointless to try and convince anybody else of a narrative that is different from their own.
With the splitting of the Timelines, we just need to go with it. Go with the flow, as we say. Move into the reality that feels right to us and allow everybody else their own version of reality. Don’t argue or fight or try to convince others of anything. Instead, we need to let go of those who we don’t feel harmonious with; those who choose to fight with us, make us wrong and find fault with us. We don’t need this energy in our lives right now. We need to move towards loving, supportive energy. But we also need to offer this to ourselves.
It may feel lonely for many of us as former realities dissolve and people fade out of our lives. We may have to grieve and let go. This is all part of the process.
A good friend once said to me “they aren’t going where we are.” She was referring to the people who were fighting to keep us down. They really aren’t going where we are. They are on a different timeline, and this is okay. It’s as it should be. We just have to accept it. We’ve got to let go and trust the process, however difficult and painful it is during these hard times.
I am told to keep my eyes pointed forward and don’t look back. Realize there is something happening that may be difficult to see or understand right now, but it will make sense later. Things will fall into place. We will create a life that makes sense to us. We will wake up one day and realize we are in the New Earth. We have moved into a whole new consciousness, a whole new reality. And it will be a reality to celebrate!
Meanwhile we keep breathing and keep offering to ourselves and each other love, kindness and hope for a better world, one that we really want to live in.