The Golden Orb of Light
Lately I have been doing quite a lot of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions which are pretty amazing because I learn as much as my clients do. When we leave behind our Ego based human and enter into the divine, or the field of expanded awareness, we learn who we really are. And this is amazing, because who we are is so much more than our ego SELF believes we are.
We learn to see ourselves as small, limited beings, when we are really these large light beings condensed into these human bodies. Although at times we might get a glimpse of our power as light beings, we are often too caught up in the 3D matrix to see our own greatness.
When I facilitate the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions (QHHT), people enter into an expanded state of awareness where they experience themselves as Souls traveling through time and space.
Although every session is unique, and everyone who has a session has a different experience, it is common that clients will experience themselves in that place between lives. Some may not even experience a past life, but instead experience who they were before coming to this life on earth. But many who do have a past life, also enter that same place of “oneness” after they leave the life we are reviewing.
Dolores Cannon taught that when we are facilitating a past life regression that we take people beyond that life to see what happens next. This gives clients a stronger sense that their existence doesn’t end when they leave the body. They continue to exist, but in a different form.
The form that most people exist in when they are beyond the physical life is just a ball of light, a golden orb. I ask them if they have a physical shape or “light body” and although some do, most do not. Because at some point in the journey after life or between lives, there is no longer a need to identify with physical form. Life is more feeling and sensation than how one appears to themselves. When in that Golden Orb of light, they often have the experience of being “in the light.” But after they immerse themselves in this experience, they soon discover, “Oh, I’m not just in the light, I am the light.” They have no sense of separation from the GOD light or some may call it the Divine Light or Great Central Sun. They have a sense that they are a conscious being, yet not separate from the ONE.
Almost everyone who enters into this state experiences a deep sense of peace, oneness, connection, love and bliss. There is a feeling that all their needs are fulfilled. They want for nothing. They are not bored, or curious or desiring of anything outside of themselves. They are deeply content to just “be.”
The question might arise, if we are so content in our Golden Orb State of being, why do we leave? Why do we come here?
According to the sessions Dolores Cannon recorded, many light speres heard the call that Earth was in trouble and needed the light to come down and help transmute the dark and negative energy. So that light orb is born into a physical body and the light is condensed into a small, contracted space, in comparison to where it came from. Because of the amnesia that happens at birth, most beings forget that they are these great orbs of light. Nevertheless, they are still shining. They are still lifting the vibration of the planet up, not so much from what they do, but rather what they are.
There are multitudes of these Golden Orbs of Light embodied on the planet as human beings right now. And as a result, the consciousness of the planet is expanding. The vibration is moving up quickly.
When we look around and see what is happening now upon the earth, it may seem that we are in the middle of some very dark times. There are dark agendas, sickness, death, destruction and mass fear. But there is so much more that we don’t see.
What we don’t see is that the energy of the planet is raising up so rapidly that the shadow of all beings is coming right up to the surface. The shadow has to be purged in order to raise up to a higher vibration. The darker energies can’t make the journey. So, we have to shed our shadows like a serpent sheds its skin in order to reveal fresh new life.
Will everybody make the transition to what we call “New Earth,” the higher vibrational planet? No, Dolores also tells us that we will all live in the world we have created, so if one is attached to doing harm to others, he or she will live in that vibration. The timelines are splitting and the New Earth timeline is a very different energy than the old.
What the lightworkers who came here to help raise up the vibration of the planet are doing is ensuring that many more people raise up than those who will remain stuck in the 3D matrix. We also ensure that the planet herself lifts up.
I asked a client, in her expanded state, if we are near the time where those who are stuck in the dark agenda’s can’t remain here anymore and she said we are already in that time. We are already there. So wouldn’t that look like a lot of people leaving the planet? Well, yes. A lot of people are leaving the planet but many who choose to leave at this time, are not leaving because they are dark hearts. Many are leaving because it is their time to leave. The dark hearts will simply be existing in another reality. We may still be able to see them right now, but this doesn’t mean we occupy the same reality. We don’t.
This is why it is so important to listen to your own heart and intuition and not follow the pack down the fear-based rabbit hole being fed to us by our current media. We need to trust that we are rising up to a much higher vibration and creating a world that we would want to leave to our children and grandchildren.
There is nothing to fear, because when we do leave this planet, we simply shed our physical form and find ourselves in the Golden Orb of Light, until we get the call to offer our light in another situation.
For now, it is important that we remember who we are. We are light! We are love! From light we come and to the light we return. And in between, we never stop being the light.