Ending Political Polarization
This week the United States inaugurated a new president. Some were happy and others were unhappy with how the whole political drama unfolded. It didn’t matter who officially or unofficially won the election, half the Country was going to be upset, even angry with the results. However, from what I have observed both sides of the political debate are angry. The side that were happy with the election results were still unhappy with the people who don’t align with their way of thinking or believing. So instead of celebrating their “victory” in having a President they feel good about, many are still focused on the “other side” of things.
I have friends on both sides of the debate and I have witnessed a lot of judgement and superiority, which I feel is not helpful. How can we bridge the gap when we are so deeply polarized and slinging judgements from a place of Spiritual superiority? Both sides seem to believe they are good and the other is evil. We aren’t just talking about political candidates anymore. We are talking about the supporters of the candidates.
We the people, are sinking deeply into black and white thinking, which is a sign of dysfunction. It is “all or nothing” thinking in which one side is judging the supporters of the other side as “aligning with evil.” People are really triggered and lashing out and few are really listening to the other. If you do stop and listen you will realize that each side pretty much believes the same thing….”the other side will be the end of democracy and freedom.”
So the issue isn’t who we voted for or who was inaugurated. The issue is fear for our freedom and our democracy. We are really all dealing with the same issue. We simply believe that one party will maintain or preserve our freedom and democracy and the other will be the end to it.
If we go into a deeper spiritual truth, our freedom is already being taken away and neither political party is going to be our savior. I had someone ask me if I accepted our new president as my president. I felt I was being asked if I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior. It is beginning to feel like a religion and we are treating the Presidential candidates as our Savior.
It is my belief that both sides of the political party are corrupt. There is far too much money and power at the top and not enough balance. This is what is at stake right now. The current political structures have to crumble and fall apart because they simply aren’t working anymore. People are afraid. They are looking for a savior to rescue them from the increasing power and control they are being subjected to.
But we aren’t dealing with one side being good and the other being evil. We are dealing with the best or worse of two evils. We are dealing with darkness taking its last stand. Soon it must fall because our increasing planetary vibration can’t support the lower 3D Matrix energies anymore. We are right in the middle of this collapse and we are not going to be able to artificially prop it up for long.
There is a lot of talk of conspiracy theories around the Virus, the Vaccines, Politics and Pandemics. It can be difficult to know what is truth and what is the lie. There is deception at every corner. Truths are being called lies and lies are being called truths. There is a dark shadow looming over the planet and we seek the truth to help us to navigate through it. But what is the truth?
We are in a time of the splitting of the timelines. I have to constantly remind myself of this when I get too caught up in the drama. We are branching off in many different directions. It is much more than two sides. There is good and there is evil and there is everything in between. We will branch off in the direction we give the most attention and energy to. So we need to be very mindful right now.
The deepest truth is where our heart leads us. The greatest lie is where our ego leads us. When we need to be right or superior, it is the ego talking. The ego equates being right and superior with its survival. But it is the ego that is fighting against the world, somehow believing this is a fight it can win.
The superior ego refers to the “other side” as sleeping and sees itself as “awakened.” When one is truly awakened it is no longer about sides. It sees both sides for what they are, rather than superimposing the savior complex upon one side and assign the psychopathic label to the other. What if both sides are psychopathic? What then?
Perhaps we need to go back to remembering that we are the light and if our current political structure is steeped in darkness, destruction and sociopathy, our call to hold the light is even greater.
We are the ones we have been waiting for! The people on the top of the leadership pyramid are not going to save us. We are going to save us! We are going to save our own souls by remembering that we are souls and we came here to hold the light in a time of great darkness.
Getting caught up in the drama just sucks us right back into the 3D lower level matrix. Remembering that we are light-workers pulls us back up to 5D. This is the place where we feed our souls and our light shines so much brighter. This is where we are needed. When we align with the 5D energies and shine our brightest lights, we pull up the lower level energies and those energies that are feeding on the fear and energy of humanity will lose their food source.
So lets come together NOW and remind each other of our purpose for being here. Let us lift each other up, rather than tear each other down. Let us anchor in the light of the New Earth and remember this is the energy that is being born as the old world falls away.