Rising Intensity During the Global Shift
I started my annual fast on the 7th of January after Arvel and I did a four concert series at the Boyce Thomson Arboretum in Superior, Arizona. My body was sore from all the hauling, setting up and breaking down of music gear, coupled with the stress of technical issues and performance anxiety. So I went into my fast with a lot of physical pain.
Rather than doing a water fast or a juice cleanse I chose the Mastercleanse, which is just lemon juice, water, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. It seems to be a far superior cleanse to the juice cleanse I did last year, and not nearly as bad as the water fast I did the year prior.
So as I got into the fast, I noticed not only how hungry I felt, but also how magnified my physical pain seemed. It intensified as the fast went on through day one, two, three and four. Day four felt the most intense and I had the least amount of energy. I barely got through my river walk.
Day five I worked all day which was a nice distraction and finally on day six, as I write this, my body pain is decreasing in intensity and I’m starting to feel much more energetic.
Fasting increases our sensitivity which could not have come at a better time with all the events happening on January 6th and following. I noticed how intense things were getting energetically on the planet and found myself becoming deeply concerned. And then I had a revelation.
We are in a time of the dismantling of our current structures, which includes the political, social and health structures. We have been talking about this for a long time now, knowing it was coming but not prepared for what it would look like to be smack in the middle of it. Many psychics tell us it will only get worse over the next few years and then it will start to get better.
I found myself going down the rabbit hole of agendas, conspiracies, truths and lies and the more information I consumed, the more disturbed I became. Perhaps it is because as I imagined certain scenarios I made them real on some level. I realized how entrenched I was becoming in the 3rd Dimensional lower matrix energies (as Adrienne Elise calls them.)
3D is pretty darn intense right now, and even if we are doing our best to move back to the 5D energies, it can be difficult not to be sucked into the drama of the lower matrix energies.
I began to see the similarities between fasting and what the world is going through. It is going through a cleanse, a purge. We are feeling the increase of pain and intensity, just as I felt in the beginning stages of my fast. But there will come a point where we will turn it around and go the other way. This is the true point of Rebirth. Right now we are smack in the center of the labor. Just when we get through one labor pain, and think we can take a breath, the next one is upon us. It will be like this for a while.
Most 2021 predictions do include a lot of intensity. Many say that if we thought 2020 was intense, we ain’t seen nothing yet. I suppose this is like day one of my fast, where I was getting used to not reaching for food when I was hungry, and day four where I felt like I had been run over by a mac truck.
Still the fast is nothing compared to the labor I went through bringing my son into the world. It was a long, difficult and extremely painful journey that seemed to have no end, when I was right in the middle of it. The pain was so intense that I passed out between contractions and woke up again for the next one. But when my baby finally arrived it was the most euphoric feeling I’ve ever had. There was light at the end of the tunnel.
When in labor, I needed to be reminded of why I was going through this. I was bringing a new life into the world. This is exactly what we need to be doing as we traverse the dark and murky waters of this death and rebirth process. Keep our eyes focused on the light and know we are moving towards a rebirth; regardless of how ugly it looks right now.
I know when my fast is finally over, I will feel renewed and reset. It will be worth the pain and difficulties I experienced along the way. I can’t give up when it gets difficult. I need to keep my eyes on the goal and keep going.
So in the midst of this global intensity, lets remember why we are here; why we came to this planet and the work we have at hand. It is our work to be a source of light in the darkness and we can’t be much of a light source when we allow ourselves to be pulled into the 3D drama. We need to offer encouragement and support to others who don’t have the metamorphosis blueprint and can only experience the dying of the old ways without a vision for what is to come. It is a baby, a renewed sense of self, or a butterfly. It is the light at the end of the tunnel. It is our Rebirth!
Nobody told us the falling apart would be easy. Change is being forced upon us and if we can embrace it knowing we aren’t going back to the way it was, we will do much better.
This is a reminder to choose love over fear! Choose the 5D matrix over 3D. And finally choose a positive vision for humanity rather than a dark one. We are still master creators and we are creating the New Earth with our energy, our thoughts, our beliefs and our visions. Lets stay plugged into the light and moving forward in the spirit of love.
One thought on “Rising Intensity During the Global Shift”
You sure hit the nail on the head !! We need to stay away from drama of all these changes, Choose Love over Fear. People are more hatefull than I’ve ever seen in my life . Just trying to keep everyone calm is a huge chore. We , together will make our new world a beautiful place. However we have a ways to go , alot of trying to stay focused on Love , Give Love , and live Love each day . Love ,Light ,Peace to all