Predictions for 2021
The future is never written in stone. We live in a free will Universe and every choice we make puts us on a unique timeline with its own outcome. There is no psychic that can predict your future. Psychics on the most part only predict possible or probable futures, depending on the timeline they are reading at the time.
According to Elizabeth April, 2021 is the year of timeline splits. We will have lots of opportunities to choose our reality based on our intentions and what we really want to create in our future. With every choice we find ourselves facing, it will be important to ask ourselves “where do I see this choice leading me? Do I believe this will take me closer to what I really want, or further away?”
In this video Elizabeth April makes predictions for the 3D collective, protests, riots and upheavals. This is basically a continuation of the energies we have been dealing with in 2020. She warns us to take what resonates and leave the rest. This is always a good idea, regardless of the teacher or psychic. We all need to learn to trust ourselves and our own inner guidance. Others can validate what we already feel or know to be true, but ultimately the truth comes from within.