What if We Didn’t Take Sides?
Divide and Conquer has been used throughout the ages as a way of weakening us and taking our power. And this is a theme that is running rampant in our society today. Whether it is the political arena, the vaccine debates, mask debates or how we handle the current Pandemic, we tend to migrate to one side or the other. The result is two sides warring with each other.
I recently heard Reinette Senum speak in a conference called “US Feminine Voices Speak Out in this Next Civil War.” She said if you are party to one, you are enemy to the other, which means if we have strong biases and alignment with one side, we are standing against the other side. She encourages us to find the common ground, rather than focusing on what we oppose.
Matt Kahn also said something quite similar in his most recent Newsletter with the headlines “Claiming a Conscious Stand.” He said, “When you are against something, you are empowering it with the very energy you require in order to set greater justices into motion.”
So how do we “take a stand” without “standing against?” We can still take a stand, but we need to focus on what we are for, what we are trying to create in the world, rather than fight against what we don’t want.
In our elections, both U.S. candidates have failed to focus on what they are for, and instead they invest their energies in finding fault with and tearing apart their opponent. This doesn’t set a good example of leadership. It teaches people that tearing apart your opponent is how you win. As a result, those aligned with one party or the other fight against each other with the same intensity as our political candidates do. What if instead of focusing on the shortcomings of the opponent, the candidate really focused on their vision for a better world.
During the Vice-Presidential debates, the moderator read a letter from a young girl who asked an important question. “How do you as leaders expect for us to get along with each other if you can’t?” Both VP candidates dodged the question. Neither answered it directly. That seems to be the way debates work now days. I feel that question was very timely and shed light on a greater issue when it comes to leadership.
What we need to realize is that we are the leaders of the New Earth; the New Paradigm! As leaders, we can’t just follow along with the examples that are being set for us. We need to set our own examples and follow higher guidance. As imaginal cells in the new body, it would be suicide to follow the resistant cells. We truly are the visionaries of the New Earth and we need to live as if we are already there.
We don’t get to the New Earth by winning a war. We get there by refusing to be at war. We get there by putting our thoughts, our prayers and our actions in the direction of the New Reality. This doesn’t mean we are passive and stand by while people are being harmed. Matt Kahn says:
Whether on a personal or collective level, any degree of conflict or war is when two sides mutually agree to oppose one another. This makes conflict and war moments of violent upheaval whenever two sides mutually agree to remain unconscious by ignoring the oneness of our deeper abiding reality of interconnection. This doesn’t mean we sit around and passively allow group agendas that are pleased and fueled by inflicting pain onto others and dominating the innocence of humanity to have their way. Instead, we assemble together as the oneness of Source to stand for what we are creating as a positive movement of affirmative change. We join with a movement that will resolve any degree of wrong-doing directly or indirectly, the more we individually and collectively focus on the positive outcomes at hand without fighting against those who are only strengthened by any degree of hatred, condemnation, fear, or division. (Matt Kahn)
Many of us want to make a difference and know we are at a critical time in our evolution, but we don’t know the best course of action to take. Gathering together as One Tribe is a positive step in the right direction, because we are bringing our collective energies together to hold the vision for the New Earth. We are not fighting against the old earth, but are putting our energies towards the birth of the NEW!
All people who are aligned with spiritual wisdom don’t think alike. We may feel differently about specific issues, such as whether or not wearing masks are protecting us or harming us, what President is most in alignment with the true change we seek, or whether or not we would receive a vaccine for Covid-19 when it is available. We have different ideas about the Global agendas, who we should trust and what to believe. Arguing about who is right or wrong on these issues won’t help us to evolve to the New Earth reality. What will help us is to find the common ground. We all want to live in a better world, one where we can be free, healthy, and safe. We want to live in the vibration of peace, love and harmony.
Lets do take a stand! But let us stand for peace, for love, for unity, for higher consciousness, for waking up and for our collective evolution into the New Human. Let us focus our thoughts, our beliefs and our actions to this end and refuse to engage in opposition with, but rather put our energy towards the world we are collectively creating.