The Role of the Global Dark Night of the Soul in Human Metamorphosis
The Dark Night of the Soul is one of my favorite topics to talk about. I’ve done several podcasts, articles and video’s on the topic and written a book called “Rebirth, Traversing the Dark Night of the Soul.” I’ve assisted many people through their personal dark night, and I have gone through several of my own. This is why I would like to talk about the role of the global dark night of the soul in human metamorphosis.
This is a topic I know well, and I love to talk about. Because I believe that the dark night of the soul is like a human metamorphosis, transforming us from a Caterpillar to the Butterfly.
Although this is a difficult and painful process, it is none the less beautiful, magical and powerful. Once we go through the dark night of the soul, we are never the same. We can’t go back to being a caterpillar.
I am currently taking a class by Andrew Harvey who is addressing the current Global Dark Night of the Soul that we are going through. He tells us we are in the beginning stages. Back in 2018, I did a podcast called “The Collective Dark Night of the Soul.” I saw this coming! I knew we were heading towards a global metamorphosis! Maybe it wasn’t so difficult to see. Because we seemed to be going in a very destructive direction as a collective, and if we didn’t change our ways, we would destroy the planet.
Those of you who understand malignant narcissism, understand that narcissistic people don’t typically change. And we live in a very narcissistically oriented society. So, change can’t happen until something major comes in and dismantles our current structure; the very paradigm we have been living in for ages.
That dismantling is upon us.
We are currently in the midst of a global pandemic, extreme lockdowns, an intense political environment, police brutality, riots, increased violence, major job loss, economic collapse, increase in drug and alcohol abuse, increase in domestic violence, high rates of suicide, high rates of divorce, Major forest fires, destructive weather patterns, and global warming, to name a few.
To say we are not being personally affected by these issues would be extreme denial. We are all connected, and we are all experiencing the suffering of the global economic and environmental conditions as well as the lack of humanity that is being displayed by so many people and political leaders. So many people are taking their fear and hostility out on others.
When in our personal metamorphosis process, the dark night of the soul, we will often be at war with our old beliefs and values. We come up against our old ways of being and must often grieve the losses of what we need to release in order to go forward. There is an internal struggle as much as there is an external one. And often those external struggles simply mirror our internal ones.
As we traverse this dark night of the soul, we are challenged on so many different levels. We must face our inner dragons and our outer ones. We must come up against the narcissist within and the narcissists in the world.
We need to learn to stop worshiping money, power and physical appearance. We need to learn to stop worshiping fame! We need to learn to stop worshiping the false confidence of the narcissist. We need to return to a simpler way of life; one that is no longer steeped in consumerism and pro-creation.
Nature itself is stepping in to help us evolve and adapt. We cannot separate God and nature. I believe there is a plan to give us a chance to evolve and become a new humanity. Perhaps even a super-human, who is much more conscious, aware and capable, because we have unlocked the mysteries that are within us.
We have re-connected with our souls and brought the collective soul back to humanity. Love is now the most important value and war is no longer a part of our reality. We no longer need to fight or to kill animals or each other, because nature provides us with an abundance of healthy food, clean air and clean water. We no longer have to toil and labor for our livelihood, as we live simply upon the earth, allowing others to simply live.
It would not be possible to get from here to there without a major dismantling of our old ways. This is where we are now. You will see this more and more as we move forward. If you understand that it is necessary for the old ways to be dismantled, and you align with the world that is coming into being, the rebirth, rather than the death, you will find it much easier to get through this dark night.
Remember however, that the dark night of the soul, is really the souls journey through darkness to the light of self-awareness. The dark night comes upon us when it is time for us to become more fully aware and live a life that is more true to ourselves and our deepest soul’s calling.
For more on this topic, please listen to the full podcast at the top of this page!