A New Normal
In this crazy time of Covid-19, we hear people talking about when we will get back to “normal.” Normal is the way it used to be. It is our former comfort zones. It is the way it was before our world came crashing down.
I participated in a group recently where everyone was asked the question “how has your life changed since this whole thing started.” For some it was life changing. In fact it has been life changing for most of us. For a few, life pretty much went on the same. Still among those effected, there were job losses, relationship losses, financial devastation, and a lot of issues that you might think would have nothing to do with lockdowns, masks and restrictions. Yet when the world changes, everything changes.
None of our lives are as they once were. None of us are getting out of this change unscathed.
We really can’t go back to where we were before the Pandemic. We can only move through the transformation that is before us and find a “new normal.” We need to be willing to adjust to the new temperatures, so to speak. The insanity, the outrage, the conspiracy theories, the mask debates, the political environment, the fires, the riots….are all a sign of rapidly changing times.
We are at a place in our evolution as a species where we either need to shift or get off the planet. The planet couldn’t sustain us in our old ways of doing things. So the old ways have to break apart in order for the new ways to come into being. We need to do things differently, but people can be very resistant to change. We get stuck in our comfort zones.
Sometimes it takes some pretty major circumstances to shake people out of their old ways of being in the world. We may find ourselves forced out of our homes, our jobs, our relationships and many other circumstances of our lives where there is no longer a choice. We simply need to adapt to what is happening in the world right NOW.
Although it may look like a global pandemic, major forest fires, riots in the streets, extreme controls, insane politics, and major division among the people, what is really happening is a death, metamorphosis and rebirth process where we are going from the caterpillar to the butterfly. But not every caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Some are just too set on remaining a caterpillar and simply refuse to evolve.
Evolution is absolutely necessary right now. According to many scientists, we are in the sixth mass extinction on the planet. There are millions of species on the brink of extinction and billions have already gone extinct. Most of this is the result of human overpopulation and over consumption.
Why do we think we are so special? We have, as a species, created a very unsustainable environment in which to live. Something has to change! Our way of life simply is no longer sustainable.
This is not the time to go to sleep and pretend everything will just go back to the way it was. No! It is time to wake up and realize that we need to focus on the basics….clean air, clean water, high quality plant-based foods, a simpler lifestyle and a connection with our soul. We need to focus on love and not fear. We need to focus on implementing clean technologies. We need to learn how to accept each others differences and build a bridge rather than create more separation.
Perhaps the world being overtaken by a supposedly deadly virus is a sign of major toxicity on our planet. It is said the virus of the future will only get worse and so will our destruction. If we learn the necessity of living a much cleaner life, with a much more wholesome lifestyle and a lot more love, kindness and goodwill to each other, we may be able to pull ourselves from the brink of extinction. It won’t happen overnight. But if we start making changes today, on a very personal level, and stop waiting for others to do it for us. We can usher in a re-newed earth that can sustain life.
One thought on “A New Normal”
Yes! I agree, dear Goddesssis ❤️