Healing the Division Among Us
Ever since the last elections in 2016, we have experienced greater and greater division, even within the spiritual community. Our belief systems are coming up against each other and our strong judgements around what is right and wrong, good and bad are also rising to the surface. What is necessary for healing the division among us?
Now with the Covid Pandemic there is even greater division as people form their beliefs about wearing masks and social distancing, what is a conspiracy theory and what is truth. So many of us no longer know what to believe.
Regardless of what we believe, there is conflict. Some believe our current President is the devil incarnate, and others believe he is our savior. Those who believe he is doing good in the U.S. debate those who believe he is destroying our Country. And once again, there are many who just don’t know what to believe.
We have gone far beyond left wing and right wing, conservative or extreme. People who once shared the same values and ideologies are now finding themselves in different camps and have no tolerance for the opposing camp. Agreeing to disagree seems to be the only way to stay connected, but people are so strong and passionate about their beliefs that they form judgements that those in the opposing camp are careless, reckless, idiotic, blind, fear based, or brainwashed, to name a few.
It doesn’t help that the energy of the planet is amping up to an all time high, and the anxiety levels of the majority of human beings on our planet are also very high. With the Covid Crisis we have a whole new set of problems, such as the loneliness and isolation, job loss, business shut downs, increased drug and alcohol abuse, increase of domestic violence, increased violence, increase in suicides, the riots, the mask debates, the issues with our police force, and the vaccine concerns.
One of the most difficult issues facing us in this difficult time is our lack of choice. We are forced to follow rules made for us, that are supposed to be in our best interests. But many of us don’t feel these rules are in our best interest and there is nothing we can do about it. Or is there?
In this time of social distancing and isolation, the last thing we need is to be further divided from our communities as a result of our differences in beliefs. I have experienced this divide in my family, in my spiritual community and in my vegan community. Where we were once all family, we have now split into two different camps.
So how can we heal this?
From a spiritual perspective, I feel it is important to look at the bigger picture and offer each other much greater compassion and understanding. We are all on our own timelines and many timelines are going different directions. Although we may be living in different realities at present, we are still part of the same humanity. As the old world is crumbling and falling away, we all cling to whatever belief or ideal keeps us feeling grounded and safe. We are all doing the best we can with what we are facing.
I go back to the metamorphosis of the butterfly, where the caterpillar dissolves into a mass of cells that are fighting or resisting the transformation they are facing. They want for things to stay the same….to continue on as the caterpillar, but that choice is no longer an option. Now the imaginal cells arrive on the scene, ready to embrace the rebirth process and the resistant cells try and destroy the imaginal cells.
In this big shift that is upon us we are either resisting or rebirthing. The energy of resistance is in direct opposition to the energy of rebirth.
When we have the need to be “right,” we are stubbornly digging our heels in and opposing those we see as “wrong.” But when we align with the energy of “rebirth,” we surrender to the process and allow the transformation process to be what it is.
As a witness of three different divides in my personal life, I obviously ended up on one side of that divide. If we are in the middle of an earthquake and the ground beneath us begins to split, we will find ourselves running for safety where our best chances of survival are. Otherwise we will be consumed by the earth.
In each division, I find myself aligning with the people and the groups that are most anchored in love. I simply cannot align with the energies of judgement, rejection, fear, and superiority. This is not New Earth energy.
The New Earth energy is about respecting each other, regardless of our differences. It is about loving each other, even if we don’t see eye to eye. It is about allowing each other our own path, even if it is a path we aren’t in alignment with.
We are in a time where we need to hold the light, not only for our own transformation, but for the transformation of those who are struggling in these difficult times. We need to hold the light in the face of darkness. This is what we, the lightworkers of the world, have come here for. This is our mission! This is our purpose for being here.
With everything crumbling down around us, I do my best to find stable ground and then hold the light for others, even those who find fault with me, who judge and condemn me. Because the brighter our light, the more our light illuminates the shadows in others. Many people are not ready to face their shadow, but those shadows are coming up to be looked at, nevertheless.
The shadow of humanity is rising up in such a huge way right now that we are seeing sides of people we never realize existed. People are being overwhelmed by their own shadows and don’t know how to integrate them. We need to simply hold space for people to navigate through their own dark night of the soul. This is a global transformation and not one person will be untouched by this.
I’m still dealing with remnants of my own shadow rising up to be understood and integrated. I’m dealing with some complex PTSD from past traumas, and old core wounds that never healed completely. We all have our challenges, regardless of how awakened we may believe we are.
I feel the best way we can heal the divide is to heal it in ourselves and then extend the olive branch to those on the other side of the coin, if it feels appropriate to do so. Some divides may not be healed, because we are in a time of the splitting of the timelines. Some are simply in such a different world there is no longer any common ground on which to stand. We need to be able to accept the losses and grieve for the old ways and relationships that are passing away. It is up to each one of us to know which relationships may be able to be healed, and which ones we need to release.
I do believe that some of the divides we have experienced will be healed as people integrate their shadows and feel ready for re-connection. We will come back together stronger and more aware. I feel it is important for us to remain open and willing to heal. All else will be part of the divine process of transformation. Lets surrender to it and allow ourselves to be amazed by what transpires in the days to come.
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