How the New Earth is Birthed from the Death of the Old
We as a species have come to the end of the road. The beliefs, practices, and ways in which we have been living have outgrown their form. They simply won’t work anymore. We can’t go on with such disregard for life and for the planet. I say “we,” because it is a collective effort to pollute and destroy our planet through lifestyles and programs that we all have embraced.
We don’t get to close our eyes in one world and wake up in another; unless, of course, we experience a physical death. New Earth is not only a physical place that is built through our own metamorphosis, but it is the state of consciousness, that allows the metamorphosis to take place.
As the old structures begin to crumble, we need to create new structures that are sustainable for the New Earth.
I just watched part of the film “Thrive II,” where we were shown amazing new technologies in health and energy that, if implemented, would change the world in a beautiful way. However, these are technologies that are being suppressed by mega powers whose pocketbooks and agendas would be threatened by these new technologies. The mega powers fight for things to stay the same while those who are awakening are more than ready to implement these necessary changes; not only changes that would make our lives healthier and less expensive, but changes that are absolutely necessary for the survival of our species.
The mega powers I speak of think nothing of murdering the inventors of these new technologies, or the doctors and scientists that are making powerful discoveries that would change the way we heal disease. These are truly the evil powers on our planet that are doing everything within their “mega” power to prevent us as a species from moving forward to a beautiful, NEW, sustainable way of life.
In order to move into the NEW; we must be wiling to take off our blinders and face the truth about what is preventing the NEW from taking root.
The good news is, the old is simply no longer sustainable and life itself is stepping in with its process of natural selection. It is beginning the process of destruction, or disassembly of the old paradigm. Although this process is a “Dark Night” experience for all of us, we need to remember that death and birth dance together within the same process. Where is the point where the in breath becomes the out breath? Where is the point where the ebb becomes the flow? As sure as the old systems are crumbling, the new is beginning to be ushered in. We, as conscious humans, need to align our energies, not with what is dying, but with what is being born.
There are many people, including spiritually awakening people, who are asking for things to stay the same. They are very resistant to change and this resistance is much like the resistant cells in the transformation process of the Caterpillar to the Butterfly.
I have talked a lot about how the Caterpillar completely dissolves before the body of the butterfly is formed. The resistant cells are the cells that fight against the disassembly and try to remain a caterpillar. Yet once the transfiguration process has begun, there is not a choice in the matter. Change will happen, whether one is on board or not.
When I entered the Dark Night of the Soul experience in my past, I didn’t have a choice in the matter. At least, not that I could see. I didn’t choose the dark night of the soul. It chose me. It sucked me into its vortex and I could not escape. I compare it to standing at the entrance of a dark tunnel, knowing I can’t go back to where I was and yet terrified to walk into the darkness. But to stand there at the entrance of the tunnel was to remain stuck and stagnant. The only way out is through! I had to find the courage to walk into the darkness, trusting there will be light to guide my way.
It is the light of the divine that does guide us through our transfiguration process. We are guided to let go of what is no longer working in our lives and in the greater human experience. We are guided to allow the death of the old in order to align with the birth of the new. It is a messy and sometimes terrifying experience and yet the only way out is through. So, we must agree to embrace our own transformational process and hold the light, to the best of our ability, for the transformation of humanity into its new form.