The Global Dark Night
I just listened to a presentation by Andrew Harvey on the Global Dark Night. I was fascinated by the topic as I have seen this and prepared for it for decades. My work helping people traverse the dark night of the soul is the most rewarding work I can do, and I feel I’m stepping more fully into that purpose every day.
I have gone through three dark nights of the soul in my lifetime and I am embarking on my fourth. My first two dark nights of the soul I was completely unconscious of the process I was in. By the third dark night of the soul, I went through it consciously, but that didn’t seem to lessen the pain and the intensity.
My fourth dark night of the soul is the Global Dark Night that Andrew Harvey spoke of. We are in that time of disassembly and meeting the shadow in all her glory. We are meeting the darkness! We are facing certain evils in the world.
We need to dispel the myth that evil is just an illusion and when we can face it and transmute it in ourselves we will fail to see it out-pictured in the world. I wanted to believe this and worked hard to purge the darkness within me but as I went through this process I only became more aware of the darkness out-picturing in the world. I shamed myself and wondered “what am I doing wrong?” If evil is but an illusion and I continue to become more aware of it, not less, is it that I have not purged enough of my shadow? Or is it that I am waking up to a truth I never really wanted to see before?
If it is true that Evil only exists within us, then stories like the crucifixion of Jesus would not make sense. Jesus was an example of the pure embodiment of the Christ Light, so how could he have attracted such brutality from the outside world? It makes more sense that his light was a threat to the darkness and they sought to snuff it out.
Andrew Harvey answered the question I have so long struggled with. Evil does exist! We don’t want it to. But it is a force in the Universe that we are up against as we Globally transmute the forces of darkness into light and birth a new World.
I didn’t see Andrew Harvey as a doomsday prophet, or someone who dwells in the darkness of life. He, like me, is a transmuter of the darkness; only he studied and studied with the great mystics who have passed down wisdom that was specifically leading up to this very transition we are entering into.
I say “entering in,” because we are only just now entering the time of the great shift. And as I talked about before, there must be a disassembly before there can be a reassembly. When humanity goes through a disassembly, and the majority are unconscious of what is really transpiring, the fear takes root and causes people to lash out in anger and hostility! This is happening on a global scale. We are now “ONE WORLD” going through the labor pain in our collective birth of a new humanity.
Those of us who are growing in awareness of the process we are in; meaning consciously aware we are in a Global Dark Night of the Soul; we are the ones who will be the guides and the light bearers for the rest of humanity. It is no longer about should you wear a mask, or should you not wear a mask. It isn’t about if we should social distance or come together. It is much bigger than this. These arguments just occupy our minds and distract us from the bigger picture. We are dying to the old and being born into an entire different reality. We are becoming aware of the evil permeating the planet and its agendas to dominate and control.
When we wake up, we don’t only see the light. We see the darkness and everything in between; and we need to prepare ourselves to be strong and resilient as we stand in the center of the storm that is coming.
When we remain sleeping in the dream that this is only a virus and soon it will be over and everything will go back to the way it was, we fail to be prepared for what is coming. We are taken by surprise. We don’t develop the necessary resilience.
In my article “The Towers are Crumbling Down,” I talked about how we don’t know what is coming. We can’t know what kind of birth we will have.
When I went into labor with my son, I had prepared for a really beautiful, peaceful, hypnotic experience to meditative music surrounded by a few special people in my life. It didn’t turn out that way! I had done six months of hypnosis visualizing my easy, minimally painful labor and delivery. It was an actual dark night of the soul that lasted just one night. It was the longest night in my life. I had never endured so much pain. I had never been so close to death. I never felt such rage, when my estranged husband showed excitement at the doctor’s announcement; I was entering the “transition” phase. I was sure he was thinking it was almost over and I was thinking “the worst is yet to come.”
When I finally held my baby in my arms, it was the most blissful feeling I had ever experienced in my life. In one night, I had experienced the worst pain and darkness and the greatest ecstasy. If you were to ask me then if it was worth it, I wouldn’t hesitate to say yes.
As we enter our collective labor we don’t know what kind of a labor it will be but we may want to be prepared for a challenging time ahead. We won’t be able to just turn up the meditation music and sail through the labor, as I naively thought I could do. It very well may be really messy and painful, where we face the darkest parts of ourselves and of others and do our best to hold the love while we are in our deepest pain.
If we are blessed with a relatively smooth birth process, we would all welcome this. If we could just magically transition to the New Earth, by closing our eyes in one world and waking up in another, it would be beautiful. That would be bliss! But most of the spiritual leaders I follow are telling us “times, they are a changing.” We are “in it!”
So let us be “in it” and learn to embrace the journey through our collective dark night. Andrew Harvey said, and I am paraphrasing “when in the dark night of the soul, there is so much light.” That concept can be difficult to wrap your mind around, but having gone through several “dark nights” I remember that in my darkest moments, I was often the closest to God.
Therefore, as we go into the Global Dark Night, we must know the light is with us and it is burning brightly. It is burning away everything that can not go with us to the New Earth.
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