Bringing the Tribes Together
There is a call that is going out to all who were born into this life to assist in the ascension of our beloved planet earth as she evolves to a higher level of consciousness.
Many of these people may not yet know their divine purpose; however, many more are waking up and realizing they have a mission and a purpose to assist in the ascension.
Many of our tribe are walking between the worlds, between the third dimensional level of consciousness and the fifth dimensional level of consciousness. We get sucked into the 3D world; a world ruled by the ego and infiltrated with service-to-self rulers and corporate heads. The more we awaken, the more we become aware of the dark agendas to keep people asleep in a type of hypnosis that makes them easier to control.
However, in our awakening, we also learn how to unplug from the dark agendas and plug into the light that we are. We realize the dark forces of the world have the illusion of being in power, but there is a far greater power; the power of love.
In these chaotic times, it is easy to lose ourselves in the 3D illusions and forget who we are and why we have come here. As the light tribes gather, we help each other to remember.
As the planet ascends to a higher level of consciousness; a higher vibration, it can no longer hold the darker, denser energies. But the question remains, what will happen to these energies? It has been shown to us through many different quantum healing hypnosis sessions that those who are aligned with the dark forces of the planet will either shift or they will move to another third dimensional reality, where they continue to play out their war games. This is where the timeline split comes in.
We are currently in a period of the splitting of the timelines and because this is such a confusing and chaotic time, we need to support each other and hold the light for each other. We need to be reminders for each other.
We are the light tribes, those who are aligned with the higher vibration of love, peace and harmony. We are the light of the world. We are awakening to another reality; one we call the New Earth!
Some might ask, is the New Earth a physical location, or a state of consciousness? Well, it begins as a state of consciousness. As we raise up in vibration, we change our reality. A new reality begins to emerge which may look very much like the emergence of a New World. Such a transition is not likely to happen overnight. It may be a very slow process.
Arvel and I have been having some very magical experiences in nature, ever since the global pandemic began. This is an example of seeing our reality beginning to change. It is as if we are now blending with nature instead of being separate from nature. We’ve been having experiences of birds communing with us, instead of flying away from us. The first experience was of a hummingbird who came to feed at the feeder I hung right outside the deck railing. We were standing at the railing, looking over the yard and a hummingbird came to feed. It was only inches from our faces. We stood there and watched this hummingbird go from flower to flower on the feeder, enjoying the nectar. She then came over to my face, so close I thought her long beak was going to touch my nose. It felt as if she was saying “thank you for feeding us.” She then went back to drink some more.
We had another experience with a black hawk, who was perched on a tree branch down at the river where we walk. We noticed the hawk right there above us and stopped to watch him. We sat down on a nearby log and just watched this beautiful bird, waiting for it to take notice of us and fly away. Only it didn’t fly away. Arvel eventually got up and walked under the tree where it was perched and it watched him, but was not startled and didn’t move. Just like the hummingbird, we eventually left before he did.
Another experience we had at the river was the experience of what I call “the fairy lights.” I saw a sparkling light flash a couple times nearby and asked Arvel if he saw it. He didn’t. So I said out loud “If there are light beings here, please show yourself” and suddenly there were several flickering lights in front of us. I have lived in this area of Arizona for nearly twenty years and never saw a firefly. That may be what we saw, but it was a magical experience.
Nature seems to be revealing herself more to us and not threatened by us. Perhaps this is the beginning stages of our ascension to a new reality. We are entering a reality where nature sees us as one of its own. We are reminded to stay plugged into nature and allow her to nurture us.
When I get too deeply entrenched in the 3D world and all its drama, I am reminded to return to nature; return to the 5th dimension of reality where I raise my vibration to a higher level. It is in this state of awareness we are able to see the perfection in all that is unfolding. We can see the chaos as a part of the process of birthing a new reality.
Bruce Lipton, author of “Biology of Belief,” tells us that when the caterpillar is at the end of its life, the cells, who all once knew what their job was, are thrown into chaos. The imaginal cells begin to cluster together to form the body of the butterfly. The cells in chaos, resist the transformation that is underway and attack the imaginal cells, but they lose the fight, because it is destiny that the caterpillar surrender its form to become the butterfly.
The New Earth Tribe are the imaginal cells, creating the body of the butterfly, or what we are calling “The New Human.” We are in the process of our metamorphosis. We are releasing our attachment to the world that is dissolving and surrendering to the world that is coming into form.
If you think about it, the butterfly, when it takes flight for the first time, has entered a completely different reality than it was in as a caterpillar. It now sees life from a different perspective. It now flies above the old reality and it will never go back to being the caterpillar.
I like to think of the caterpillar as living in 3D consciousness. There is nothing wrong with the caterpillar. It is a beautiful part of nature. Yet it has a limited perspective, crawling on its belly. The butterfly, on the other hand, is more what it must be like to enter the 5th dimension of awareness. It has risen up into the sky and sees life from a much higher perspective.
As we bring the tribes together, we extend the invitation to cluster; to come together to form the body of the butterfly, the new human, the inhabitants of the New Earth. If you resonate with our message, we invite you to join us. Together we can usher in a new reality.
3 thoughts on “Bringing the Tribes Together”
As I just read this, I’m amazed at your stories of birds coming near , and fairy lights , I know excally what your talking about, everything seems to be changing , it’s such an exciting time to be alive , to be a part of , and be aware of the ascension, to be on my path in healthy ways helping myself and others who are ready. What a joy it is to have found your site today. I Thankyou for helping to grow collectively for our furture’s Always in love, light and peace
Thank you Jeannie for your feedback. It is awesome that you are noticing the changes as well. It’s pretty exciting.