How Do We Get to the New Earth?
There is always the question, is the New Earth a place we journey to, or is it a state of consciousness? How do we get to the New Earth? Do we wake up and find ourselves there?
Many people in Quantum Healing Hypnosis have had visions of a new earth, when in hypnosis. There seems to be a consciousness and an understanding among many people that we are creating a new timeline, a new reality. Where is that reality taking us?
In this video, I talk more deeply about what is required to jump on the timeline that is in the process of co-creating the New Earth Reality.
2 thoughts on “How Do We Get to the New Earth?”
Hello Kaleah,
Your words, your wisdom , really hit home with me . I just went thru a Dark Night , that lasted for months . I didn’t know what was happening to me, why was I hurting so much . I didn’t want to get out of bed, and I didn’t ! Then I started asking myself questions, like Jeannie what is wrong, why am I feeling so bad, I felt like I’d be in that darkness forever. Then I felt angry , when the anger came to the service , that’s when I really started asking myself where is this coming from, I was mad at almost every person I knew. Then I realized No , I’m not mad at them , I’m mad at myself for allowing them to hurt me, use me. When I finnaly told myself that the anger wasnt good for me to hold inside any longer, I let it all go. I no longer have any anger left inside tearing me apart . What a whole different world I see now.
I Thankyou for truly trying to help people with this struggle we are all facing . To first cleanse ourselves , then we can be in a better world .
Love , & Healing Light to Our World
Thank you for sharing this Jeannie. I guide many people through the Dark Night of the Soul. It is a very painful and challenging time. I’m glad you have navigated through the worst of it! Blessings!