A Message from the White Wing Collective Consciousness of Nine
Magenta Pixie is a well known channel for the “White Wing Collective Consciousness of Nine.” The messages that come through her from the White Wing Collective are powerful and make a lot of sense. They also give hope to those of us who are a little unclear about our mission at a time like this.
In the spiritual realm, there is an understanding that we should only focus on love and light and ignore the darkness rising up on the planet. I’ve struggled with this as I feel that the lightworkers of the planet are being called into action right now. We are being called to rise up, to stand up, and take a stand for our human rights. When we remain silent, afraid to speak out for fear of judgement, we are likely “off mission.”
Many of us come from a time where we were burned at the stake or hung for speaking our truth, or walking our walk. Now instead of being killed for expressing our truth, Youtube and Facebook are simply taking down many of the videos that speak against the mainstream narrative. We can deal with that. We understand that the more the mainstream attempts to suppress and control, the more our voices rise up and find new avenues in which to share a deeper truth.
These truths that many lightworkers are speaking about are often called conspiracy theories. Yet conspiracy theory is merely a name given to those who have a narrative that goes against the status quo.
We are in a time of disclosure. The truth is coming out! Many don’t want to believe the truth that is surfacing, because it challenges their comfortably numb reality. The events that are happening now are instrumental in what is being referred to as “The Great Awakening!” We are collectively waking up from a long slumber and seeing a much deeper truth. We are taking back our power from those who are malevolent in their intent. We do not consent! We will not accept the reality being enforced upon us. We see the truth! And that truth is what will set us free! There may be a time of turbulence first, but we will rise up as sovereign beings and take our rightful place; ushering in the New Earth Consciousness!
If you would like to go deeper down the rabbit hole, listen to this channeling.