Transitioning to 5D not 5G
We are observing the 3D planet earth at this time. It is in chaos. It has been in chaos for a long time; only now that chaos has reached a precipice. It is the chaos before the birth. It is the chaos that ushers in the death of the old and the rebirth of the new.
There are two timelines that are predominant right now. There is the timeline that takes one away from his soul and further disconnects him from his humanity. And there is the timeline that connects one to his soul on a much deeper level than he has ever experienced and this timeline connects one to his/her humanity in a much more powerful way.
There is concern for the robotic world being ushered in with 5G. it is important to focus on 5D not 5G. The two timelines are actually 5G and 5D. 5G is the world of the AI which disconnects us from our humanity. 5D is the ascended human; the one who has stepped into his Christed form; his lightbody.
There are two earth timelines. There is techno earth and the New Earth. Techno earth is the robo earth; a purely automated society where oneness is achieved through every man, woman and child going Online and operating from one techno brain. The other timeline is Cosmic Earth, which is an ascended planet where the light is internal not external. We are connected through our hearts, rather than through a microchip. We are soul filled and God is the highest Power.
We are being asked now to choose. Which timeline do you want to align with? Do you want to be man or machine? Do you want to be in 5G or 5D?
It is important to understand that the ascending human is raising his/her vibration to a higher level where he/she won’t be affected by the things of the old paradigm. You will quite literally rise above it. You may end up raising your vibration so high that you are not even seen by the 3D matrix.
Your focus needs to be on your own ascension process. See yourself rising up, out of the 3D matrix into the 5th Dimensional level of conscious awareness, which is the level of the New Earth.
There is a splitting of the timelines happening. It has been happening for a while now, but it is becoming more evident. More obvious. You can clearly see the timeline that goes toward a robotic, automated society run by Artificial Intelligence. But there is another timeline going to New Earth; an organic, heaven on earth paradigm. If you get stuck in fear and focus on the seemingly destructive technologies such as 5G, you will be pulled right into that paradigm. If you remove your focus from these things and begin to reflect on the New Human and the New Earth, you will be pulled into this paradigm.
The techno world, so to speak, is a world that is truly disconnected from the heart and soul of humanity. It is also disconnected from Nature. The path to the New Earth Consciousness is through connecting to your own heart, your soul and to Nature.
Being in nature is really important right now. As you connect to your own heart and soul and immerse yourself in the natural world, you will also be drawn to the New Earth Tribe, the one’s who are choosing the organic, conscious, heaven on earth, reality.
The splitting of the timelines will become more and more obvious. You will begin to recognize when you don’t resonate with the reality others are living in. You will find people falling away, leaving your life and new people coming in. This is part of the process.
There is no 5G on the New Earth. We don’t need outer technology to go Online. We do this through telepathy. Our inner technology is awakening! We are harnessing our gifts of telepathy, intuition, energy healing, and creating our reality through belief and intention. We are creating the New Earth together through our intentions and our ability to see and dream it into being. We are coming together with our collective creative power.
We are a small percentage of the population right now, but we are mighty. We have the power of our collective soul pulling us forward. We have the power of love! We collectively harness the power of light.
Right now, we are all being asked to come inside. Come inside ourselves! Reflect! Meditate! Hold the vision! This is a powerful time we are in right now. We are in the midst of the shift! There is so much more going on than meets the eye. The group meditations that are happening are important. Join them, start them. Meditate alone and together. The combined energies of millions of people meditating at one time is having a profound effect on the emergence of the new reality.
We don’t want to get caught up in the fear program or the conspiracy theories. The dark forces of the 3D planet don’t have power where we are going. It is important to remember this. The New Earth holds the love/light vibration and lower level energies cannot access it. Therefore, we don’t want to access the lower level energies.
We are still able to witness what is happening on 3D Earth! But think of yourself as an observer; a witness. You are not in that world anymore! You are viewing it like you would view a movie and your emotions may be activated as they are in a movie. But you are not in the movie. It is not your reality! Remember this!
You are in a timeline going to a fifth dimensional reality. You have already left 3D but you are still remembering it and witnessing it’s fall! You may still want to engage in the dramas and even save the old world, but this is not your purpose now. Your purpose is to focus your energies on the co-creation of the New Earth!
The New Earth is real! It already exists! What we are really doing is building a bridge to the new reality. We are on the bridge, which is the New Earth timeline. We are crossing over from 3D to 5D. We will continue to witness 3D for a time, and then we will notice less and less of this world as more and more of the 5D reality takes our attention.
There are beings already on the New Earth, assisting us in our transition to that reality. Many of the hybrid children are there, seeding the New Earth with highly aware beings who have already mastered the inner technology we are beginning to develop. They will be our teachers. Yes, we will be taught by the children. It is a new paradigm.
Many, like me, are already working with the hybrid children. We are already being taught and informed. We are being guided! For myself, I am developing my own telepathy and intuitive knowing to the point where I can hear the voice of the hybrid child I am working with. It is an inner voice that carries a particular vibration. One of strength and innocence. One of great wisdom and power!
These are hybrids, meaning they are only half human. The other half is a highly evolved off planet being. They hybrid children have some of the genetic material of the evolving human and some of the genetic material of a 7th dimensional ET, which is mostly light and information. They are masters of the inner technology we are currently developing.
We are being asked to keep our eyes focused on the New Dimension of reality that is opening up to us. See a beautiful, peaceful earth in all her glory. She is in her light body. Her waters run clean and pure. The air fresh and energizing. She is a true paradise, with beauty and color beyond our imagination. She is truly a heaven on earth. See the people all living in harmony with each other, sharing the higher consciousness technology we are developing. Each of us living in harmony with nature and her beings.
We are being asked to use our imaginations to dream the new world into being. It is opening up before us now. Let us walk across the bridge into the new reality!
One thought on “Transitioning to 5D not 5G”
This is a great article! I shared it on Facebook. Thank you for posting and keep your voice active in these shifting times.
So much love,