Message from the Hybrid Child
Ever since I made contact with Analeah, the Hybrid Child, I found that I could continue having conversations with her through automatic writing. In this message she addresses our greatest challenge in moving to the New Earth Consciousness.
I ask her about a situation I find myself in where there seems to be what I call a “cell division” happening at the spiritual center I have been a part of for several years. There is a pulling apart of energies, people picking sides and judgements being made. It is this energy that has inspired me to focus my attentions on “The New Earth Center.” Because I didn’t wish to be a part of the chaotic energy at the “Old Center” as it was crumbling and falling apart.
I ask Analeah for her insights in my current situation. She tells me…
Yes, you have it right. There is a cell division happening. Just as you saw the pulling apart of the earth as a cell division, this is also happening with the people of the earth. There are two primary energies that are separating….love and fear. It is very simple really. In any given moment one must ask, “I’m I coming from love or fear?” There is no other answer. Love is the New Earth energy. Fear is old earth. So those who are separating to the New Earth are choosing the vibration of love most of the time. They are mostly vibrating love, even if sometimes they are pulled back by fear.
She goes on to say…
In your current situation, you are being pulled back every time you align with the resistant energies. You have to release energies that are not harmonious. Do not resist them or fight against them. Let them go. It is up to them if they want to evolve or not.
Remember that the resistant cells are fighting for their survival. They see you as a threat to their survival. Because in many ways you are! The Imaginal Cells do overtake the resistant cells in the formation of the body of the butterfly. Ultimately you will win, so to speak.
But you don’t win by fighting or struggling against the resistant cells. You win by surrendering and seeking out harmonious environments. You thrive in harmonious environments and wilt in hostile environments.
You don’t need to stay in any environment that feels non-harmonious. This isn’t a test to see how well you survive in environments that are filled with tension and judgement. Remember that the imaginal cells thrive by clustering. They seek out the same vibrations and cluster.
It is okay for you to let go and move to a New Space. The cell is dividing. Let the old energies stay where they are and create fresh, a new environment with a new energy. Your tribe will seek out the vibration you are holding. Your work is to begin right here, right now to hold the energy for the tribes to gather. Think of the tribes to be like the imaginal cells that are clustering. Although there is really only ONE NEW EARTH TRIBE, there are many sub tribes forming; many clusters.
The tribes, or clusters, will eventually grow to come together as One Tribe. Thus is formed the Butterfly! The Butterfly shall then take flight into its new form.
You talk of The New Human. The New Human is the butterfly, where the old human is the caterpillar. You come into your full potential. You become SELF REALIZED. Which means that you know who you are and what you are capable of.
However the power that you hold, has been dormant for a reason. You would not have been prepared to handle the power within you prior to now. It would be too much power in the wrong hands. You did not have the emotional maturity to utilize such power. Now it is time.
This awareness is being downloaded into you now. You are receiving an upgrade. This wave of energy that so many speak of is already among you. This wave of energy is hitting all beings but some will fight against the upgrades. They are resistant to the new energies. This is how they become resistant cells. They fight the new energy.
It is your role to help usher in the new energy. Bring the teachings of the New Earth. They are out there among the tribe. Link them together. You will know by their messages who they are. You will know by their vibration and the degree of love they emanate.
Help to shed light as to where we are in the metamorphosis process. Being a visionary is very important at this time. You were given the vision back in the year 2000 of the separating earths, because you were meant to be a visionary for these times. There are many visionaries, and many are needed. Visionaries are like road maps, helping to navigate the journey. Even if all you do is to say “you are on the right road, keep driving,” you are offering a lot.
Once you fully understand that you need to release any struggle with the resistant energies you can move into a much more harmonious space and stay there. Any struggle you may have is because of fear. You may fear letting go of the past structures because of your attachment to them. Releasing attachment to old structures, people and ways of being in the world is necessary now.
Release in love and always hold a space in your heart for their transformation. Some may find their way from resistance to surrender. But many won’t. So let them go. Grieve if you must, but let them go. Holding on will hold you back!
We are on the New Earth to assist in bringing you through. There are so many helping. You most certainly are not left on your own. The hybrid children are helping. We are the seeds for the New Humanity.
I thank Analeah for her time as I digest her message. I know this message on so many levels as it has been coming through me for a long time. I have known this! But I needed to be reminded! I get lost in the density sometimes.
This is what The New Earth Center is about. It is about helping you, who read this, to remember to keep making the shift to higher density. We can cluster here. We will keep the vision in front of our eyes. So we can keep moving forward with confidence, that we are on the right path.
The message is to “let go of the old structures and environments” and seek out harmonious environments where it is so much easier to be in the vibration of love. Cluster, or come together with the “High Vibe Tribe.” It is in constantly immersing ourselves in the love vibration that gives us strength. Being in the fear energies is like going into the war zone. As we chose love, rather than fear, we also chose to be in loving environments. We must seek out or create these loving environments. Move away from the resistant energies and move towards the loving energies.