The Hybrid Child from my QHHT Session

The Hybrid Child from my QHHT Session

Quantum Healing Hypnosis moves far beyond past lives.   With our spiritual expansion and Ascension, we are moving into an awareness of parallel realities, future lives and quantum jumping.  When a fellow Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner did a session for me, I had the experience of jumping into a parallel life, one as a Hybrid Child.  I was surprised to find myself visiting, what appeared to be my own Hybrid Child, who was living in another dimension of reality.  Although I first saw her as a little girl, wearing a flowing dress and standing in a beautiful meadow, she had the wisdom of a Sage.

I’ve come to understand long ago that life is not as it seems.  Things are much more complex than we realize.  Just read Dolores Cannon’s Convoluted Universe books.  They expand our minds as much as our minds are able to be expanded.  Even Dolores said she wasn’t always ready for the information and often had difficulty digesting it.  We grow up believing that life is a certain way and we have to challenge our ideas of what reality is in order to expand beyond it.

Many years ago, I had a very vivid dream that I was with a group of alien beings, who looked like I did but I just knew they weren’t from here.  I had made some kind of agreement, perhaps before I came into this incarnation that I would volunteer to donate some of my eggs to the hybrid project.  In my dream, I remembered the agreement and my eggs were painlessly removed in a deep forest setting, with a loving and kind woman doctor at the helm.  I felt safe and “at ease.”

When I woke from the dream, I had a strong feeling that this wasn’t a dream.  It had really happened on some level.  But my conscious mind was unable to process such things, so it was easier to pass off as a crazy dream where I donated my eggs to create a new hybrid species.

Imagine my surprise, when during a QHHT session I was my own hybrid child.  I wasn’t just watching her, or talking with her, I was her and I had access to all her awareness.  She said that they were living as a village of hybrid children in a cave like setting close by the meadow where I found her.  The cave wasn’t a cold, damp place as I would imagine, but a very magical place with crystals, light and water.

The hybrid children were raised with a mission to assist planet earth in its ascension process.  She explained that they were living in a different dimension of earth and could not co-mingle with third dimensional earth at this time.  However they were working with the Earth born children, showing up to them as their “imaginary friends” and teaching them about who they are.  The Hybrid children in this particular group, were preparing the earth born children for what is to come.  There are many earth born children who remember who they are and need guidance and support.  The hybrid children are offering this guidance, support and training.

She began to talk about the idea of limitation.  She explained that they were raised without any concept of limitation.  They understood they were limited only by their beliefs.  Of course this same teaching is being brought to us through various teachers, but the hybrid children in this group lived it in a way we still can’t comprehend.  They traveled using their minds.  They levitated.   They moved objects.  They appeared as they chose to appear.  For the hybrids in this group, there was no limitation.  For them, the creation of the New Earth is simple.  “Just imagine it into being.”

All of our struggles in this 3D earthly experience are a result of our belief in limitation.  We believe we are limited by money, or our lack of, health or our lack of, the way we look, the way we feel and mostly, what we see demonstrated in our day to day life.  We tend to believe in what we see.

Wayne Dyer wrote a book called “You Will See It When You Believe It!”  Yes, it is like this!  Instead of having the mindset “I will believe it when I see it.”  We need to change our mindset to “I will see it when I believe it.”  Or better yet “I will experience it, when I believe it.”

When I was younger, I had another one of those “dreams” that really wasn’t a dream.  I was standing in a field, very much like the one I saw the hybrid child standing in.  I was teaching a group of young children how to levitate.  My brother appeared in the meadow and was amazed by the sight of children raising up off the ground, into the sky.  He saw that I was teaching the children, and asked me “can you teach me to do this?”  I said “no” it wouldn’t be possible.  He asked me why and I said “in order to levitate you have to have one hundred percent, absolute belief.”  In the dream, I knew that most human’s were too conditioned to truly believe in their ability to transcend the physical universe.  The children were not yet conditioned by human limitation.  They still believed in magic, so to speak.

After coming out of my hypnosis session, I reflected back and wondered if some aspect of me, in a parallel life, was actually teaching the hybrid children. 

I facilitated a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session with a woman who during her regression went to a life where she was also teaching the hybrid children.  It was a similar experience to my own.  She had the sense that she was helping to prepare them for their mission to help the people of earth ascend to New Earth consciousness.

It is ironic to think that it will be the children who help us to “rise up.”  We always see ourselves as the teachers of children, when really we have been more programmers of our children, teaching them about limitation.  Now they will come to teach us about transcending limitation.

My experience as a hybrid child was very positive and hopeful.  When I came back to full waking reality, there was a sadness that I was no longer that free spirited, awakened, unlimited being.  But I remembered what she most wanted us to know.  “There is no limitation, other than that which we believe to be true.”

I knew I would have a lot to learn in this area.  I would have to constantly remind myself to stop believing in limitation.  I believed I could call upon the hybrid child for her wisdom in helping me to break through.  I could continue to have conversations with my hybrid child.  And I could continue to share the information she shares with me, here on this site.  So stay tuned.

Kaleah is a Visionary, Spiritual Counselor, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Author and Musician, who has dedicated her life to inspiring and healing others. Her role is to help to guide humanity through its current metamorphosis while offering a positive vision for humanity and the emerging New Earth!

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