The Soul’s Calling in an Awakening World
Whether we like it or not the vibration of the planet is going up. We are ascending and there is work to be done. Ascension isn’t just for New Agers, it is a reality that affects every living being on this planet. We need to tune in and listen to our Soul’s Calling in an Awakening World.
The work is a deep inner work that has the power to shift our outer reality; what we experience. Whatever is looming in our shadow and in Humanities Shadow is now being exposed. We are in the time of the great exposure. We are in a time of Revelations, when all shall be revealed.
The authentic self is rising up from the shadows and it is time to step fully into our divine purpose for being here. The material world is collapsing. The old paradigms are crumbling. We can’t go on living the same way anymore.
Many people on the planet are still in deep resistance to the changing world. There is a desire to remain the same and continue to do the same things we have always done. This includes eating the same foods, which are becoming increasingly more poisonous to our bodies. It includes staying plugged into the same systems that have outgrown their form, such as the medical systems and school systems. This includes the focus on material success rather than spiritual awareness.
Planet earth is like a train that is leaving the station. If we don’t get on board, we are going to be left behind. It may appear that life is going on as it always has, but it really isn’t. Things are shifting and changing very rapidly. If we don’t pay attention to the changes and what is being asked of us, we may very well miss the train.
One of the major issues happening in the world now is that the majority are brainwashed. We are fed programs that tell us who we should be and what we should do. We buy into these programs and, like sheep, follow the herd.
What the soul of humanity is now asking us to do is to look deep within ourselves and instead of following the programs and the herd, follow our own inner voice, our soul’s calling.
In the age of Revelations, also known as “The Aquarian Age,” our own soul is being revealed to us. The big question is, are we going to pay attention? Or will we remain sleepwalking in the dream of the herd mentality.
Our soul is the aspect of us that is connected to God, the Source of all life. Our Soul is our lifeforce energy. It is the part of us that is eternal. The other aspect of us that is not eternal but plays a big role in our human existence is the EGO. The ego is the part of us that “edges God out.”
The EGO likes to think that it is God. But the part of us that is God is not the EGO. It is the SOUL.
The ego is rooted in survival. It has been a necessary part of the survival of our species. If man was not concerned with its own survival it would have perished long ago. The “every man for himself” program is an ego program that causes man to think only of what is best for his or her own well-being, without consideration for others.
As humanity becomes conscious and aware of itself, the old Ego programs have to surrender to the new paradigm. The “service to self” programs are part of the old survival programs. “Service to others” is the new paradigm that is in alignment with the ascension energies.
Let me stray a moment and talk about what the ascension energies are. In the year 2012, the earth completed a cosmic cycle that we called the precession of the equinox. Precession of Earth’s rotational axis takes approximately 26,000 years to make one complete revolution. At the precession of the equinox there is a perfect alignment between the earth and the sun.
This 26,000 year cycle has been divided into four ages. The Hindus have called these four ages Yugus and are referred to as the Kali Yuga, the Dvapara Yuga, the Treta Yuga and the Satya Yuga.
The Greeks divided these four cycles into Ages; the Iron, Bronze, Silver and Golden Age.
Modern Astrologers refer to the 26,000 year cycle as the precession of the Equinoxes, where the earth travels backwards through the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Every 2100 years we enter a new Zodiac Age.
During this time the Earth is said to have entered the Photon Belt, which is a place where there is a rapid increase of light waves hitting the planet. We are actually leaving the dark ages and moving into the age of light, the Golden Age.
With this increase of light on the planet, we are receiving Galactic or cosmic information which is encoded in our DNA. We are receiving upgrades to our program, so to speak.
Some people who are rooted in darkness and resistant to change, will be resistant to the upgrades and may even have adverse reactions to them. This explains the increase in violent behavior in the resistant cells of humanity.
I have talked in the past about the process of metamorphosis from the Caterpillar to the Butterfly. When the caterpillar enters the womb of transformation, his body dissolves into a cluster of cells and looks somewhat like a black goo. The cells that once made up the body of the caterpillar are called “resistant cells.” New cells arrive on the scene that are called “imaginal cells.” The resistant cells fight against the imaginal cells, just as the ego fights for its own survival. Although many of the imaginal cells are destroyed in the process, they keep arriving on the scene and begin to form clusters that are much stronger and more difficult for the resistant cells to destroy. Eventually the resistant cells lose the battle and the imaginal cells form the body of the new butterfly! Although the butterfly must first struggle to break free of the webbing of its cocoon, the process of struggle is actually strengthening its wings so that it may take flight into its new life.
Ironically humanity is in a very similar process. We are cells in the body of earth as it transforms into a butterfly. The cells of humanity consist of both imaginal cells and resistant cells. Which are you?
The resistant cells are the cells that are fighting very hard for their survival but are destined to die out. They are destined to be overcome by the imaginal cells of the earthly body that are moving towards a new paradigm.
The butterfly is the new paradigm, and we, as human imaginal cells, are in the process of becoming the “NEW HUMAN!” We are undergoing our own metamorphosis; our own transformational process.
Although we a part of a collective, a cluster of cells, we are also individual cells in the body of humanity, and we each have our part to play.
It is important to recognize first and foremost that the Earth Cell is dividing. There are two parts of humanity; the “Service to Self” part, which are the resistant cells, and “Service to others,” which are the imaginal cells.
The good news is, we already know who will win the battle of Armageddon. The Earth is ascending to a higher vibration, whether or not we come along. If we want to be a part of the “New Earth,” we must align with the higher vibrational energies that are lifting us up, to form the body of “The New Human.”
This is a time to align with our Soul’s highest purpose. We must “tune inward” and listen to our Soul’s calling. It isn’t necessarily a call to “doing,” but rather a call to “being.” Through our “being” we “become.”
Listening to our in-tu-ition, is of the utmost importance. Our Soul wants to guide us into the realm of the New Human. Our soul wants us to become the butterfly.
The butterfly is in the blueprint of the caterpillar. It is the destiny of the caterpillar to become the butterfly, just as it is our destiny to become “The New Human.”
When we begin to enter the realm of the new, we must allow the old to dissolve; to fall away.
We need to let go of the energies that are not part of “The New Paradigm.” We must let go of fears, beliefs, behaviors, addictions, programs and people who are holding us back.
We need to “be still and listen.” Listen to the voice of higher wisdom that is speaking through us. What is higher wisdom asking you to do, be, give up?
For myself I needed to give up people who wanted to put me in a box that kept me limited. I needed to let go of all animal products so that I wouldn’t be a part of the enslavement and torture of our fellow sentient beings. I needed to let go of all processed and chemical laden foods. I needed to let go of alcohol, as I found it lowered my vibration. I needed to let go of negative core beliefs that had me putting myself down. I needed to let go of beliefs that kept the planet in a dark and negative place; conspiracy theories and doom and gloom thinking.
I also needed to let go of my belief in limitation. This meant to stop identifying with my physical symptoms and issues and start seeing their resolution instead. I needed to let go of my belief that I was aging, even when the physical evidence was apparent. I needed to let go of my belief that I was flawed or unloved. I needed to let go of my belief that I had to work hard to be provided for and instead allow myself to be provided for.
I also needed to embrace higher wisdom and understanding. I needed to embrace the higher understanding that things are not as they appear, and they are far more mystical and magical then my imagination was ready to accept. I needed to embrace the wisdom that the physical Universe really is a holograph, rather than the solid structure I formerly believed it to be. Physical law is anchored in the minds of men and to overcome physical limitation involves changing our mind.
I needed to embrace the wisdom that the “New Earth,” is being created through not only the imaginal cells of the Earth, but through our collective imagination. We are dreaming it into being. And, life is but a dream.
What seems real is not real at all; it is only an illusion that is so great that we believe it to be real. When we can develop the understanding that “The Human Condition” is really a dream created from the collective thoughts and beliefs of the humans that inhabit this world, we can change it. And this is what we are doing.
Revelations is the last story in the scriptures. Why is this? Not because it is our END. As all is being revealed! What is also being revealed is the nature of who we really are. We are not the lowly worms we believed ourselves to be in Genesis. And our Father who art in Heaven is not some judgmental, punishing God who wields the sword over our heads, causing us to bow down and beg for mercy. The Narcissistic God has fallen. Now we understand that God is the creative force within us that is calling us to our collective mission. God is the light that we are. We are not separate from God. We are ONE. We live in God and God lives in us. There is no separation!
We would be fooling ourselves to believe that life will go on as it always has. Because life has never been the same. It is forever changing. Now we must ask ourselves this important question. What do we imagine to be the direction we are going? Because our imagining is powerful! It is our imagining that is creating the New Earth. Climb on board the train, because it is leaving the station.
(Rev. 21:1;4: Then I saw ‘a new heaven and a new earth,’ for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea…’He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
The Soul’s Calling in the awakening world is to awaken! It is not about doing. It isn’t about a degree you must earn, or a business you must start, or a house you must build, or any physical venture you must embark upon. It is not that you won’t feel inspired to do these things. Maybe you will. But your true purpose is to awaken! It is to listen to the true voice of your Soul and make the changes within yourself that you are being asked to make.
It is time to face our addictions! To be conscious of who and what we are harming with our actions and our choices! It is about letting go of what no longer serves us. It is about really loving ourselves and in so doing we can love others more authentically. It is about serving humanity through your daily actions and through your being. It is facing the inner demon of lust and greed that has us wanting for something we don’t already have. It is about expressing gratitude for that which we do have. It is about no longer looking “out there” for our full-fill-ment. Instead looking “in-here” where God lives, moves and has its being. This is where we find our true full-fill-ment.
The New Earth is one of simplicity. We live simply upon the earth. We no longer need to create and consume things that fill some empty-ness within us. We are minimalistic. We are no longer consumers. We are inner fulfilled.
This is what we must practice in our daily life. What do we think or believe we need “out there” to be happy and fulfilled “in here?” More money? A new relationship? A new job? A new home? A new car? More status? More attention? More love?
What do we truly believe that shiny new thing will bring us? It is never more than a temporary satisfaction. In the end we always return to our empty state of being. So this is where we must begin.
The Soul calls us to seek ye first the Kingdom of God within ourselves, and all else shall be given. From that place of true full-fill-ment, we want for nothing. From that place of true, authentic LOVE, we are complete. In that place of true connection with the Divine, we are connected to everyone and everything.
In such a place, there can be no lack. No longing. No missing something or someone, no striving for what we do not have. Because in this place we are truly whole and complete within our selves.
As we resolve the emptiness and separation within ourselves, we resolve the emptiness and separation of the world “out there.” Because the world “out there” reflects the world “in here.” It is useless to strive in the outer world and abandon the inner world. We have it backwards. We must first go inside and find peace there.
Finding peace in the inner worlds is service to humanity. We are changing the outer world by changing the inner world. How powerful is this?
And we can do this together. We are doing this together! The tribes are coming together. The imaginal cells are clustering. We are listening to our Souls Calling in an Awakening World. We are forming the body of the Butterfly….The New Human.
Welcome aboard.