Working with the Higher Self
In Quantum Healing Hypnosis, we work not only with past lives, but with the “higher self” or what Dolores Cannon calls “The Subconscious.” As a long time hypnotherapist it doesn’t work for me to call this the subconscious, because I know the subconscious as the place where the shadow lives; the realm of the unknown; the property of all our involuntary body functions, our worst fears, our inner child, our core wounds, and beliefs.
The Higher Self is that part of us that is eternal. It is connected to the Divine. It is source energy; God, before it gets diluted into these human bodies. It is the aspect of us that knows who we are and why we are here.
I’ve had some amazing hypnotherapy sessions where the higher self came forward to reveal important and necessary information for the client. Sometimes contact is made with guides, Angels, ET’s and collective soul groups.
When I ask to speak to the “Higher Self,” I am open for any higher being to come through. I have come to know that the “Higher Self” is not really so personal to us. Although we can say, from higher awareness, we are God; We cannot say that we alone are God. We say this from the understanding that God is the lifeforce within each one of us; within all beings.
I see Higher Self as the God Light before it gets diluted into our bodies, and so as we connect and communicate with this aspect of ourselves, we get pure and holy information. We come to know ourselves as so much more than who we may have believed ourselves to be. We are not these small, flawed creatures. We are amazing beings of light. But as that light gets filtered into these human bodies, we are subject to human limitation.
It is our human limitation that causes us to block the light and in some humans, to shut the light out altogether. The more we face our shadow; the part of us that remains unconscious, the more light we let in and the more self-aware we become.
I’ve been a hypnotherapist since 1988 and was working with the Higher Self, before getting certified as a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner. I didn’t work with the Higher Self in the same capacity that Dolores Cannon did. She felt it was important to access a few past lives, prior to contacting the Higher Self. The only reason I believe she felt this was necessary, is that when one goes into a past life, they leave their former identity behind and access an awareness that they are more than their current human self. They begin to see they are eternal beings, having lived many lives; many different realities. This awareness allows them to access the aspect of self that has been with them throughout the entire journey of existence. So after doing a couple past life regressions, the client is better prepared to make contact with the Higher Self.
With people on a higher path, however, accessing the Higher Self is much easier and doesn’t require a past life regression first. I take the client deep into hypnosis and set up an environment in which they can commune with Higher Self. I’ve done this both on the phone and in person and have had some really amazing sessions.
The Higher Self gives my clients information and knowledge they need for their current life. It answers questions and gives guidance. The Higher Self also has the ability to heal all disease. I am told that in the future I will do much more healing work with clients on both an emotional and physical level. I suppose I am still in training for this. My trainer is my own Higher Self and Guides.
The future of medicine is energy work. We are evolving to have the ability to spontaneously heal all disease through methods like Higher Self Healing Sessions. We need to get to the place where we can actually accept such a healing. We have to believe it before we can see it. When Higher Self tells a client he or she is not yet ready for a healing, it is more that they are not yet ready to believe a spontaneous healing is possible for them.
I healed appendicitis, when I was in my mid twenties through White Light Energy and a powerful belief. I was lying in the hospital and the doctors were trying to get me to sign the waiver so they could operate on me. I kept hearing “NO! Don’t sign it!” So I refused! Instead I lay on the gurney, behind the curtain in the emergency room, visualizing the white light coming in and restoring me to health. By the end of the day, I walked out of the hospital room healed. The doctors could not believe this was possible. They told me they had never seen anything like it.
Perhaps that little miracle in my twenties was planting the seed for the work I am beginning to do now. I know our Higher Self can heal us. Dolores Cannon has experienced many spontaneous healings in her years of practice and I’ve had a few clients report that a health issued had been healed after a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session.
Higher Self Healing is the wave of the future. I am excited to be doing this work and assisting people, through hypnosis to access the part of themselves that has the power to heal them and to transform their lives to the lives they have truly come here to live.