Speak Out! Sing Out! Emerging from Repression!
I feel there is something I want to say; that I need to say. There is something burning within me; a sense of purpose; a mission.
I’ve been speaking out! I’ve been singing out! But I am being asked to be even more authentic. To voice a deeper truth.
In one of my Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions, I had a past life that I came into being hung. Suddenly I felt this thickness and heaviness in my throat. I said, “I think I’m being hung!” As the story deepened, I was a young woman who had the gift of healing with herbs. I was a simple woman, growing my gardens and collecting my dried herbs in jars. A young man came to me seeking healing. He somehow knew I could help him, and I did. He was healed. But his wife did not like that he came to see me, so she reported me as being a witch. I had used herbs to heal, and as a woman, I was not allowed to heal. Herbs were for witches brew.
I was hung for being who I was; for practicing my art. I remember the feeling of looking up at the Village crowd just as I was about to be hung and seeing all those familiar faces taking joy in my demise. Some I thought were friends. Some, my family!
As I reflect on that lifetime now, it makes complete sense that I would be who I am today. Speaking out and sharing my gift of song has taken so much courage. I had so much to overcome. I had to once again confront judgement, crucifixion, condemnation, and cruelty. I had to overcome it. This time I was not hung physically. My body was not destroyed. But my soul came close to fleeing so many times.
It is ironic how I have both come forward and shared my voice and at the same time, remained hidden in the shadows. I was quite the introvert, not truly wanting to show my face. I did few video’s and much more audio’s which felt safer. I had a barrier of sorts. My face wasn’t on the line here.
But now, my higher self is saying “it is time!” It is time to be more authentically me and live out loud. No more “playing it safe.”
So here I am; sharing with you things I have feared you would judge me for, condemn me for, ridicule me for. I have to say to those who have the need to find fault with me, “I love you, and it is truly my desire to connect with you and be in a place of peace and harmony with you. If ever you feel the same, I am here.”
I can no longer allow my fear of being judged stop me from being seen and heard. I came to this life as a volunteer. I had a job to do!
So, lets get busy! We have a New Earth to Create!