Time to Wake Up and Align with Our Purpose
I just finished facilitating another amazing Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session, which is always a great reminder that we are so much more than we believe. As we traverse through other lifetimes we see the continuous lessons that seem to carry over from a past we are completely unaware of having. I contact the “higher self” to answer the client’s questions and like most sessions, the higher self is a bit frustrated at its inability to break through. Our stubborn Ego puts up blocks and barriers to the voice of guidance that so diligently attempts to align us with our purpose for being here.
Sometimes our greatest purpose is something that may seem quite simple, such as “to love” or “to accept love.” Other times we are told we have a grand mission involving writing a great book, or saving the world. Still it is the same mission. We don’t often realize that the simple things in life do have the power to save the world. As we learn to love ourselves more deeply, we are able to love others more authentically and we contribute greater love to the planet.
After my last session, my client, who is open to her psychic abilities, was very open and aware as a result of the deep place she was emerging from. She began to share information she was getting about me.
In QHHT sessions, the therapist, gets a healing or information, right along with the client. The higher self of our clients will often thank us for our work, recognizing it as a great work for the healing of humanity.
I was told that my own healing was nearly complete, but I still had some issues around my throat, which is about speaking out more authentically. It wasn’t the first time I had heard this, so I wasn’t surprised. I had a thyroid issue, with a visibly enlarged thyroid. Other messengers told me I needed to speak a deeper truth.
In Quantum Healing Hypnosis, a connection has been made between thyroid issues and being hung in a past life. In one of my own sessions I visited a lifetime where I was hung as a Witch. Of course, I wasn’t a Witch, in the normal sense of the word. I wasn’t practicing black magic or doing any harm. On the contrary, I knew the healing power of herbs and was found guilty of healing a young man in my community, who had asked for my help. My healing abilities were interpreted as Witchcraft and I was immediately found guilty and sentenced to hang.
Many of us who were hung or burned as a Witch, were simply Women, and Men, who knew our own power and the power of nature to heal. But we were moving more deeply into a Christian, Patriarchal rule that told us women couldn’t have power, do healing work or have access to knowledge. Our power was a threat to the patriarchal rule.
Today, Women are still struggling to reclaim their power. We are struggling to find our voice and speak our truth; to be authentic and on purpose. We struggle because the world is not quite ready for our voices. The Patriarchal systems are still trying to dominate and suppress those who are speaking out a truth that threatens the Evil Empire.
Ironically we are in a time where censorship seems to be returning. “How dare you expose the truth,” is the message. Out spoken people, both men and women, are being banned from social media platforms and even entire Countries.
We are at the end of Patriarchal Rule. The Evil Empire is taking its last stand. They are trying very hard to regain the power and control they seem to be losing. More people are waking up and seeing the deeper truth. There is no stopping us. We came here for this reason. We were born with a mission. Many of us are Volunteers who came solely to assist the world in its awakening.
Could we be in danger of returning to the dark ages, where we are silenced and killed for speaking our truth? We must hope and pray this doesn’t happen. We are too far awakened to go back to sleep. Collectively, we have too much light to allow the darkness to stop us.
We are seeing evidence on both sides of the coin, the darkness and the light. We see the dark agenda’s being exposed and predators being incarcerated. Those who formerly were able to hide their dark deeds behind an illusionary reality are no longer able to do this, because that illusion is crumbling. the truth is coming out. The light exposes the darkness.
We are also seeing people, who have been labeled as conspiracy theorists, being shut down. The irony is that the more these people are silenced, the more attention it brings to the awakening masses, who now will be more eager to hear what they have to say. If it scares the big powers, then it must be good, right?
The Evil Empire wants to take us back to the dark ages, when they had all the control. But it can’t work this time. Their efforts must fail. There efforts must fail, because those aligned with darkness are aligned with death and death must die. Those aligned with the light are aligned with the energy of “life” and “birth” and are birthing a new reality.
We have the ability, within us, to individually and collectively dream a “New World” into being. The law of attraction tells us that we have the power to create our reality. In it’s infancy, we used the law of attraction to bring us more individual and material success. Movies like “The Secret” focused on creating more money, bigger houses and better cars. In our growing maturity, we are now focused on a more collective vision. We are creating a planet that is loving and peaceful. Those who prefer to align with darkness and death, will simply create that reality for themselves.
This idea that says “where we go one we go all” is no longer a true idea. Dolores Cannon, my mentor from the great beyond, tells us about those aligned with the dark agenda; “they will live in the world they create.”
We can now be free, simply because we choose to be. We recognize the power of our choices. The old agenda is crashing and falling away. We are still dealing with the residual, but not for long.
I was just summoned to Jury Duty. I explained that I was running a business single handedly and it would be a hardship on my business to have to cancel my clients and my engagements at the last moment and drive all the way to Phoenix to serve on a jury. I received a notification that my request was denied. They believed it was my duty to sacrifice my business and well-being to serve their system. If I refuse, I will be arrested and thrown in jail. Therefore, my free will has been taken away from me. I am forced into serving a system that is archaic and patriarchal. I will know the shift is complete when I no longer find myself without choice.
There is still fear in my throat area, keeping me from fully stepping up into my mission and speak a deeper truth; one that many may not be able to hear. I fear being hung again. I fear being crucified. I fear being mocked, shunned and alienated. But I must overcome my fear and find strength from spiritual leaders such as Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela. They never allowed fear to stop them from speaking their truth. We were shaped by these truths and inspired to follow in their footsteps.
I will never be a Jesus, or a Buddha, but I can find the strength within me to step into my purpose more fully, find my voice, and break through the blocks of fear that keep me from speaking my truth.
Perhaps if we all can find the strength to be who we have come here to be, the shift will happen so much more rapidly. Then we can all meet upon “The New Earth” and celebrate our collective accomplishment.