The Next President 2020
When Trump became President, there was a lot of upheaval. People were angry and lashing out at each other. People were lashing out at me, because I spoke my truth. My truth was not “I’m glad Trump Won!” My truth was not “I wish Hilary had Won!” My truth was deeper than that.
Our choices for President seem to be presenting us with a powerful question “How did we get here?” How did we get to this place where the inspiration has been taken out of choosing a leader: because our choices have been taken away!
We are being manipulated! Our selection is bought by the wealthy Elite; the one percent at the top of the financial food chain!
Money has become the God of the masses! Power over others is the game! Most of us know the type of world we want to live in. Most of us want peace! We want Harmony! We want to live in freedom and abundance without the struggle to survive!
We don’t really want this fight that has broken out among us. But the fight seems necessary to wake us up to the reality that we are in deep trouble. This is like a major shaking! Wake up!
I’m fully aware of the theories that Trump is really draining the swamp! I really don’t know what is going on in the dark, behind the scenes. I’m not sure what is going on that seems to be escaping the attention of mainstream media. I only know what I see and what I see is a major cry for help! We are in trouble! We can’t close our eyes and pretend that everything is okay!
This is not about fighting against the darkness. It is about actively standing in the light. We can’t go on plugged into the programs we have been fed, closing our eyes to the rapid deterioration of our planet and so much pain and the suffering! It is not only our fellow man, woman and child who are suffering; but also our fellow sentient beings, the animals.
What truly gives us the right to exert our power over the animals? Do we really believe we are so superior to all of the planet that we have the right to extract every last bit of life out of her? Is this really the world we want to live in?
I know that I don’t! I have seen a New Earth! I’ve seen it in a vision back in the year 2000. I was shown the earth splitting in two, just as two cells would divide. One was a dying cell, and the other was being born.
I knew then I had to make a choice; but I didn’t fully understand this choice. Now I do! Now I know that we must come together to create the New Earth! We must join in union, in harmony, in peace and in love. We must foster these qualities within ourselves. We must truly learn how to love each other; how to forgive and how to take care of our own hearts.
As we align our energies with a common vision, we begin to attract the energies to create this new reality. Two Candidates for the 2020 Presidency have come into my awareness quite strongly. First it was Marianne Williamson. She is a powerful female spiritual leader and inspirational speaker. She is the one who said these words:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. … As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Yes, Marianne is someone I would choose to help us carry this torch forward into a new reality. I will cast my vote for Marianne!
And then I listened to Bernie Sanders Presidential announcement speech and I saw the tenderness behind his tough “no bones” approach to change. He is the Grandfather, deeply caring about his children and wanting his life to matter! He wants to make a difference. And something tells me he could. Yes, Bernie has my vote!
As time has gone by and we have gone through the first of the democratic debates, I become aware of even more candidates who feel to me to be running with the intention of “love” and consideration for all beings. We have attracted some great options.
The question is, can I only vote for one? “NO!” I’m not voting for a person! I’ve voting for a vision and the person who can best help us to carry out the vision will come forward.
As Bernie says “it is not about Democrat or Republic,” it is about feeding our children, providing care for our people, providing quality shelter and food, and providing for the needs of our people. There is enough that every man, woman and child, could live abundantly on this planet. Not just in the United States, but all over the world. There is enough!
We are taught about lack! The hoarders of the wealth of our planet want us to believe in lack, so we don’t demand that the wealth of this planet be evenly distributed. We are taught that our planet is here for our use and abuse. We are not taught to respect her and treat her with love and dignity.
We are taught that the animals are here for our use and abuse. The fights between the vegans and the carnivores are escalating. It isn’t really about health! Health is a choice. You should be able to eat whatever you feel brings you the greatest health and vitality as long as you do no harm to others! The real fight is about our right to abuse; our right to kill!
The Vegans are saying “we don’t have the right to kill and mistreat our fellow sentient beings. We can live and thrive on a plant-based diet.” The Carnivores say “we need meat to be healthy. Veganism is not sustainable! Therefore, we have the right to kill!”
Although our next Presidential campaign is not about what we eat, the quality of our food is an extremely important aspect of our ability to thrive as a people. Our food supply is being systematically poisoned, and we have learned to close our collective eyes and just keep eating what is being marketed to us, without question. Those who do speak out are considered radical.
What is truly radical is how the financial interests of the very few dictates the health and well-being of the masses. What is radical is the rapidly increasing health crisis; the growing rates of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autism, auto immune diseases and obesity.
I heard Bernie Sanders talking about how we all have the basic right to health care, and he has a plan to provide Medicare for all. This is great; however, we also have the basic right to clean air, clean water, organic food and the ability to live abundantly on our planet. We have the basic right to live on the land, with respect to Mother Nature, to sustain ourselves. Those who chose not to be a part of the system, should be able to live on the land if they so choose. Not to destroy it, but to cultivate it, grow food, and have a simple structure to protect them from the elements.
The Native Americans were nomads. They erected teepee’s for their shelter and when they were ready to move on they disassembled the teepee’s and moved on, leaving no trace. When they did begin to settle down and grow corn, squash and beans, they made earth-based homes, continuing to live simply. They left a small footprint.
Our human footprint looks more like billions of heavy feet stomping the life out of the planet. We have become consumers, users, and pillagers. What would it take for us to create a world that is truly sustainable?
The truth is, we can’t wait for our leaders to do this for us. We must begin doing this for ourselves, today, with our actions. We must decide what is truly important and live according to our morals, values and principles.
Narcissistic Society is a society that cares only for our individual needs without concern for the needs of others, or the needs of future generations. We selfishly take everything we can get our greedy hands on in our perverted attempt to achieve happiness.
We don’t realize that happiness is a spiritual quality, not a material one. Happiness can only really be found within us. There is enough evidence that no amount of material possessions has the power to bring us happiness. Lottery winners are not any happier than they were prior to winning the lottery. Sure, they are happy they won the lottery, when the idea is fresh and new and there is so much potential there for creating a better life. But one assumes more “stuff” will make them happier and they soon find out this is just the fantasy we have been sold.
The New Earth is one where we awaken to our true selves and step into our spiritual maturity. Marianne Williamson tells us there are too many men acting like boys and women acting like girls. The growth that is called for is Spiritual, which is what Williamson brings to her campaign; a spiritual vision for humanity. She is actively speaking about our impoverished spirit and our moral and ethical crisis.
Regardless of who takes the Presidential seat in 2020, Bernie Sanders and Marianne Williamson are actively helping to usher in a new vision for humanity, and if we pay attention, we can collectively get behind this vision and start creating change.
We mustn’t discount the power of our choices. Remember “supply and demand.” When we blindly consume, we are creating demand for what it is we consume. What would happen if we collectively began to choose a more minimalistic and green lifestyle, healthy organic, plant-based foods, stop buying anything that is genetically modified, chemically sprayed or processed, and stopped focusing on pharmaceuticals as the answer to our health issues? What if we bought only what we truly needed, and supported only those companies who were morally and ethically sound?
If we all made healthier choices, we could change the world. But if we continue to be lazy, and simply do what is easy, the world will continue to decline. The choice is ours. We have a huge responsibility to make choices that will radically change our world.
This planet needs our help. Not just some of us, but all of us. We need to wake up, smell the green juice, and begin making new choices. We must answer the call! This is why we are here!
Lets get behind those who are pioneers for the New Earth and begin to radically change our lifestyles to support a world we truly wish to live in.