The New Earth
In the year 2000, while I was on a daily walk in the forest, I had a vision. In my vision I was looking at earth from outer space and I saw it begin to divide, just as a cell would divide. The earth began to split into two and move away from each other.
When I asked the spirit of my “being,” what this was about, I was told that I was witnessing the splitting of the worlds which suggested a dimensional shift. The New Earth that was pulling away from the Old, was a higher dimension of reality and those who have done their work and raised their energetic vibration would be moving to the New Earth, and those who refused to open their eyes and see; those who were lost and aligned with the dark forces of the world, would be staying with the third dimensional reality on it’s natural progression towards destruction.
As the years went by, after my vision, I came to realize I was not the only one who had this vision. There were many who were witnessing the splitting of the worlds and the visions were nearly identical.
Recently I came across the work of Dolores Cannon, a past life regressionist who founded Quantum Healing Hypnosis. Dolores also talked about “The New Earth” as well as the “Three Waves of Volunteers” who came to Earth at this time to assist with the transition of the planet into her new form. Her information came from her Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions where clients, under hypnosis, accessed their higher self or what Dolores calls the Subconscious. In these sessions, clients talked about “The New Earth,” and the Volunteers.
After learning about Cannon’s work, I quickly jumped on board and became Certified as a Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner. I was excited to work with clients in the same way Dolores did, and I was even more excited to learn more about our transition to “The New Earth.”
We are currently in the time talked about in Revelations. Ironically we entered the Age of Aquarius, on December 21, 2012, which is the age of transparency; the age where “all would be revealed.” It is the time of the Great Revealing.
In Revelations (21) in the Holy Bible there is also talk of The New Earth.
21 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”[a] for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’[b] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
6 He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. 7 Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. 8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
Although there might be many different and opposing interpretations to this biblical passage, it fits my year 2000 vision. I was being shown what was coming and there were prophesies and biblical passages supporting what I saw. There were also many others who were seeing the same thing.
One thing that became very clear to me after immersing myself into Dolores Cannon’s sessions, was that things are not as they seem. The world the majority believe they are living in is not the real world. There is so much going on beyond our ability to perceive and conceive.
We find safety in our beliefs, even if they are inaccurate. People believe that life is a certain way and follows a particular set of laws. Even the religious among us are rooted in specific belief systems. Christianity, for example, believes in the second coming of Christ. But if a Christ were truly to show up and walk among us performing miracles and healing the sick with his word, he would be crucified all over again and it would likely be many of the Christian’s who would crucify him. Why? Because they would not believe it was Jesus, the Christ. They would not be able to accept that reality.
Those who walk among us carrying a great deal of light, expose the darkness. The darkness doesn’t want to be exposed. It wants to hide.
Those who hide in the darkness don’t want their wickedness exposed. They don’t want to believe their actions and behavior are wicked. They habitually project their darkness onto those around them, often those who carry the light, and they truly believe they are righteous. Yet these are the very one’s who will crucify the Christ over and over again in the name of self-righteousness.
Those who run from the light and crucify the people who carry the light, will not be able to move into the light of the higher dimension. They will be the one’s “left behind,” as the Rapture talks about.
My sense is that the shift to The New Earth, will be much more subtle than we realize. It is possible we could wake up one morning and everything will have changed. The darkness of the world will be gone and we will be living Heaven on Earth. However the other possibility is that we are already in a slow transition to The New Earth. We are raising our vibration right along with the Earth, who is also ascending.
There is a timeline split happening, right now, which is the splitting of the worlds. Those who are stuck in 3D consciousness will choose the 3D timeline and continue to live in a crumbling world. Those who choose to raise their vibration up to a higher level are choosing the 5D timeline and moving to The New Earth. Right now we are aware of both timelines. We can still see those who are choosing 3D as they continue doing their dirty work. In the future, we will no longer be aware of the 3D timeline as the split will have gone too far.
Some ask the question “will it look like death to those in 3D?” Will we appear to have died? Or will we have just faded into oblivion? We really don’t have enough detail yet to know what it will look like as we transition to The New Earth. Perhaps we will leave our physical bodies behind and find ourselves in a light body on New Earth. If this is the case, we won’t experience death but rather birth. For birth and death are the same passageway. We die to one reality and are born to another. We may not be aware of dying at all. We may just wake up in a new reality and it will be so beautiful, peaceful and loving, that we don’t want to look back. Like so many who have near death experiences and say “It was so beautiful and loving there, I didn’t want to come back,” we will be so blissed out in the new reality, we will have no desire to return to the old.
Dolores tells us that it will likely be that we simply lose contact with those who are aligning with a different timeline. We will have no desire to contact them. Even if they are family members. Life itself will begin to come in between the 3D alignment and the 5D alignment and we will be living in completely different realities.
I notice, in both my work and my personal life how people are already aligning with completely different realities. What they see and believe is so different from what I see and believe that we can’t function in the same space. Mostly because they are blaming others for their reality and throwing the proverbial stone. Those in “Self Love” will no longer allow themselves to be in the line of fire of those throwing stones and step out. The one’s throwing stones don’t realize that they are throwing stones at a mirror, trying to avoid their own reflection. They will continue their fight with their own shadow, believing it is someone else.
Most who are on the ascension path, have already done great battle with their shadow and have integrated it into the wholeness of who they are. They have integrated the darkness and the light and found a balance within themselves. It is through this journey they have had many stones cast at them and have been the target of much abuse and hatred. They have faced their own self-hatred and their own projections of that hatred. Through all their painful, annihilating experiences, they have learned the deeper truth. We are all part of the same Oneness. There is no separation other than what is created by our illusions. Our consciousness is eternal.
We also learn that we are Creators! In Unity with the One God, the Creator of Multi-Versus, we are able to create whatever we choose. We are limited only by our thoughts and beliefs. So why would it be so far fetched that those of us who are coming into the ultimate knowledge of who we really are, are capable of creating a New Earth?
So is our vision of the New Earth, a predestined evolution of humanity, or are we simply painting what we envision? Is it that so many of us are “seeing” New Earth in our Dreams and Visions, that we co-creatively bring it into being? Is it our evolutionary trajectory as human beings to usher in the next leap of consciousness that involves stepping into our “Super human-ness?”
Lets explore!
Dolores Cannon Talks about “The New Earth!”
Here is a woman who wakes up at 3am and does automatic writing about “The New Earth.”
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