Beginning a New Journey

Like so many people, I have felt an urging to step more fully into my mission. Although I have been working as a spiritual counselor and Clinical Hypnotherapist for ages, my focus has been directed to helping people recover from Narcissistic Abuse, rather than Spiritual Awakening.
Recovering from abuse is spiritual awakening in many ways. But my “Higher Self” has been prompting me to change course for quite some time. The focus on “Narcissism” is no longer my path. I’ve turned the topic upside down and backwards and simply not interested any longer. I’m not interested in focusing my attention on the dark side of humanity.
Even though my work has been about pulling people from the clutches of the Dark Side and helping them find the light within, the Dark side of humanity still permeated my days. In order to promote my work, I needed to continue focusing on Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse.
I am still available to work with people who are coming out of toxic and abusive relationships. I’m simply not going to focus on the promotion of this work anymore. My soul is pulling me to “The New Earth.”
What do I mean by this? What do I mean when I say my soul is pulling me to “The New Earth?” The “New Earth” is a consciousness. It is a dimension of reality that is based on love, respect, kindness and harmony. It is about having a loving relationship with the earth and treating her with kindness and respect.
As we move from Darkness to Light, we begin to see the possibilities unfolding before us. We no longer need to live in that dark reality and we no longer need to surround ourselves with dark, unconscious, toxic energies. We are freeing ourselves from darkness and as we free our SELVES, we begin to free others who want to be liberated from darkness.
My focuses is no longer on the narcissism of the world. It is no longer on the corrupt systems that make up 3D reality. It is no longer focused on Evil, but rather on the ultimate power of LOVE. Love is the energy vibration I am choosing to align with and it is this energy that lifts us up to a higher and higher vibration.
As we lift to a much higher vibration; one anchored in LOVE, we are no longer a vibrational match for the evils of the world. In a sense, we transcend evil. We move beyond it.
This is where I am now. I have moved beyond the evils of the world and my creative energies are focused on creating a New World; a New Earth; a dimension of reality anchored in the light. And I’m here to help others to expand their awareness and know what is possible.
We are in this together. We are working together to create The New Earth. We are transcending the crumbling 3D reality and ascending to a 5D reality.
These truly are exciting times and I am excited to share what I am learning about our evolution. I am excited to have you visit me here at New Earth Awareness and share in the journey. Those of you who come here, are here for a reason. You too are on your journey of ascension and expansion. And I am here to support you in the best way I can.
Together we can do this! Onward and Upward.